Originally posted by cmsMasterWell played!
Here's a pretty sacrifice game that I just finished:
Game 4715322
Originally posted by Mephisto2I looked at 12...c4, not so much 13...c4, which is apparently strong for black and keeps him in the game, so perhaps I should have spent more time calculating my 13th move.
Impressive and very nice. I wonder if you also calculated the effects of 12. ... c4 or 13. ... c4 when you made that sac, or did you play it from your belly?
Anyhow, after 12...c4 I think I had planned simply 13.Be2 with something like 13...gxh6 14.Qxh6 and looking at pressure on black's c4 pawn and light squared bishop as compensation after something like 14...Qc7 15.Nd4. I was obviously more concerned with black declining my sacrifice than accepting it, but it seemed to me that there were plenty of chances for me even if I was slightly down on material.
Not to rain on your parade..but if we are showing off sacs this seems the thread to do it. 😛
Game 4517017
Originally posted by tomtom232i'd almost call that a poisoned piece, as you only force an exchange, not a guaranteed variation. Thats just me though, no matter where black leads here he is lost 🙁
Not to rain on your parade..but if we are showing off sacs this seems the thread to do it. 😛
Game 4517017
Originally posted by AdoreaI think its a sac....If I remember right, he had to accept because he loses his queen otherwise.
i'd almost call that a poisoned piece, as you only force an exchange, not a guaranteed variation. Thats just me though, no matter where black leads here he is lost 🙁
EDIT: oh I see what you mean..well, I did sac the exchange in that case.
Originally posted by tomtom232agreed, i suppose i didn't think of that. sac an exchange is still a sac.
I think its a sac....If I remember right, he had to accept because he loses his queen otherwise.
EDIT: oh I see what you mean..well, I did sac the exchange in that case.
although strange to think of sacraficing a tactical motiff as anything other than realising their is a better tactical move.... thats almost, a gambit 🙂
Originally posted by EmLaskerI don't see a sac in there...
Game 4056436
would this count as sacrifice?
Originally posted by tomtom232Wow, though you probably couldn't beat again progressive freak as myself, I must admit this is some impressive playing for white. 😛
Not to rain on your parade..but if we are showing off sacs this seems the thread to do it. 😛
Game 4517017
Well done.
Originally posted by cmsMasterNice style of playing !
Here's a pretty sacrifice game that I just finished:
Game 4715322
Now, did i sac my Rook or exchanged it ?
Game 4630853
Originally posted by tomtom232Being so, take a look on these three. Maybe not completely sound, but fun to play nonetheless.
Not to rain on your parade..but if we are showing off sacs this seems the thread to do it. 😛
Game 4501025 - reminded me of a PCT problem position.
Game 4491601 - I was very happy when black castled short, tough I'm not sure what I'd do, if he did castle long.
Game 4683390 - I love this Riga Variation of the Open Lopez. 😀