It isn't very glorious but in some ways, it feels as good as a win.
[Event "February 2009 Grand Split Three Seven III"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2009.02.18"]
[EndDate "2009.05.14"]
[Round "1"]
[White "ppresedo"]
[Black "sh76"]
[WhiteRating "1604"]
[BlackRating "1877"]
[WhiteELO "1604"]
[BlackELO "1877"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[GameId "6023773"]
1. d4 Ng8f6 2. c4 g6 3. Nb1c3 Bf8g7 4. e4 d6 5. Bf1e2 Nb8d7 6. Ng1f3 O-O 7. O-O e5 8. d5 Nd7c5 9. Qd1c2 a5 10. b3 Nf6e8 11. Bc1b2 f5 12. a3 Ne8f6 13. Nf3d2 fxe4 14. Nd2xe4 Bc8f5 15. f3 Ra8c8 16. b4 axb4 17. axb4 Nc5a6 18. Qc2b3 Rc8a8 19. c5 Nf6xe4 20. Nc3xe4 Bg7h6 21. c6 Bh6e3 22. Kg1h1 Qd8c8 23. b5 Be3b6 24. bxa6 bxa6 25. Ne4g3 a5 26. Bb2c3 Ra8b8 27. Ng3xf5 Qc8xf5 28. Qb3a2 Rb8a8 29. Qa2d2 a4 30. Be2d3 Qf5f7 31. Bd3b5 a3 32. Bc3b4 Bb6d4 33. Ra1xa3 Ra8xa3 34. Bb4xa3 Qf7xd5 35. Qd2b4 Kg8g7 36. Qb4c4 Qd5xc4 37. Bb5xc4 Rf8a8 38. Ba3c1 Ra8a1 39. g3 Ra1a5 40. Bc4e6 Ra5c5 41. Be6d7 Rc5c2 42. Bc1g5 Rc2b2 43. Bg5d8 Bd4b6 44. Bd8g5 Rb2a2 45. Bg5d8 Ra2a8 46. Bd8g5 Ra8a2 47. Bg5d8 1/2-1/2
I was almost embarrassed early in the game the way I let him open up on the queen side against me; and, of course, I hung my bishop, although he missed it.
I think the key to salvaging the draw in retrospect was 31. ... a3! That's what ultimately allowed me to secure the d pawn and set up the blockade.