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Samisch-Maroczy bind

Samisch-Maroczy bind

Only Chess

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Another opening question:
By starting with KID-Samisch system(where I am white and I play 0-0 and I do not push d5-I allow black to play cxd5) I sometimes reach a Maroczy bind kind of position (white has pawns a2 b3 c4 e4 f3 g2 h3, black a7 b7 d6 e7 f7 g6 h7 and only one pair of Ns is traded down).

1: is this really a Maroczy bind? (as I am not a 1 e4 player, and neither a dragon player, I am not sure if I am correct about Maroczy bind)
2-3-4: my usual plan is to place a N on d5, black will Nxd6, and until now I used to do cxd5 and to press on c file having more space. Is this the correct plan ? Should I try to take exd5 and press on e file but to allow black counterplay on b-c minority attack ?
Do you know other(better) plans for white(instead of Nd5) ?

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i think the defining characteristic of the bind is white pawns on c4 and e4, making it hard for black to play a freeing d5.

black often adopts a 'hedgehog' setup in response, with pawns on a6, b6, d6, e6, f7, g7, h7, and his pieces coiled up behind. black looks to play a ...b5 or ...d5 break.

i know this doesn't quite address your question, but maybe it will be useful to someone.

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often, there is thematic sacrifice on d5, it is a plan both side must look after the move Qc7 and Rc1.

Sometimes, it is really strong and other times, not so good.

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