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Scotch Game help

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Hey I have a quick question regarding the Scotch Game. I play this opening whenever I can, but I found that often black would recapture my knight in the middle, which of course I follow by capturing black's knight with my queen, placing it on d4, right smack in the middle of the board. Now I know that technically that's an advantage for me because it's a mistake by black if they recapture with their knight on d4. However, I really don't know what to do with my queen once it's out, especially since there really aren't any other peices out there with it. For example, what should I do after:
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. d4 exd4
4. Nxd4 Nxd4?
5. Qxd4 c5
I always get really nervous whenever my queen's out early, any ideas?

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frankly i believe black is equal after c5. Qe5+ is what fritz plays.... 5 moves later black is equal.

I don't play the scotch for that reason, you'll find fav's over time as your old friends get 'refuted' in your book.

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Originally posted by ih8sens
frankly i believe black is equal after c5. Qe5+ is what fritz plays.... 5 moves later black is equal.

I don't play the scotch for that reason, you'll find fav's over time as your old friends get 'refuted' in your book.
you could have just come out and said it in lamen's terms: The Scotch sucks. play 1. d4!

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Originally posted by rubberjaw30
you could have just come out and said it in lamen's terms: The Scotch sucks. play 1. d4!
1. d4 sucks too...
1. ... e6!

The transpositions are unending!

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Originally posted by mrjonesvich321
Hey I have a quick question regarding the Scotch Game. I play this opening whenever I can, but I found that often black would recapture my knight in the middle, which of course I follow by capturing black's knight with my queen, placing it on d4, right smack in the middle of the board. Now I know that technically that's an advantage for me because i ...[text shortened]... Nxd4?
5. Qxd4 c5
I always get really nervous whenever my queen's out early, any ideas?
If it were that easy to equalize, Kasparov never would have used the Scotch vs. Karpov or Anand.

It is hard to see how White isn't better after 5. ...c5. 6. Qa4, Qd3, Qe3 all leave White with better central space and control, as well as a piece developed, albeit an early Queen move. Even 6. Qd1 leaves White in pretty good shape.

One thing about the Scotch is you must be prepared to exchange Queens and utilize the Scotch center/pawn structure. As Black I'd much rather play Classical variation than exchanging immediately.

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Originally posted by ih8sens
1. d4 sucks too...
1. ... e6!

The transpositions are unending!
1. d4 e6 2. c4

Nobody says you need to play the French. Personally I almost always decline the French after 1. d4 e6. Too many French players are well versed on theory & the associated traps.

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Originally posted by Chipotle
1. d4 e6 2. c4

Nobody says you need to play the French. Personally I almost always decline the French after 1. d4 e6. Too many French players are well versed on theory & the associated traps.
then 2. ... f5 and we get the dutch... you'll never see me play into the QG, it's too good for white.

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Originally posted by ih8sens
then 2. ... f5 and we get the dutch... you'll never see me play into the QG, it's too good for white.
what about Benko's or any of the three main Indian Defences? not the bloody Dutch... it's just horrible looking.

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Originally posted by rubberjaw30
what about Benko's or any of the three main Indian Defences? not the bloody Dutch... it's just horrible looking.
the dutch is gloriously tactical for black.. more positional/defensive for white.. that's the exact same reason I play the traxler... and the dutch is far safer, why avoid it?

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Originally posted by ih8sens
then 2. ... f5 and we get the dutch... you'll never see me play into the QG, it's too good for white.
True, but as a 1.d4 player, you have to be prepared to face the Dutch anyway. I just don't like running into the freakin' French Defense. I like my d-pawn darnit, and those French players just keep going after it.

2 edits
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Originally posted by Chipotle
True, but as a 1.d4 player, you have to be prepared to face the Dutch anyway. I just don't like running into the freakin' French Defense. I like my d-pawn darnit, and those French players just keep going after it.
actually.. i'm really really good as white against the french... and I totally suck as black.. I usually hope for c4,

sometimes it's good to call the black bluff.

Game 4156659 - This game is the reason I don't like the french... the only reason I play e6 before f5 is because I really want to find a good gambit in the line... I'll probably go exclusively dutch eventualy.

edit - about that game I posted... e5 wasn't the blunder... Bxh7+ won for white anyways.

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Originally posted by Chipotle
True, but as a 1.d4 player, you have to be prepared to face the Dutch anyway. I just don't like running into the freakin' French Defense. I like my d-pawn darnit, and those French players just keep going after it.
i play d4 and score horribly against the Dutch Defense...
my record:
.5 and 100.5
or something like that... either way, I've had all losses except for one draw against the Flying Dutchman himself.

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Originally posted by mrjonesvich321
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. d4 exd4
4. Nxd4 Nxd4?
5. Qxd4 c5
5...c5? is bad because it gives away control of d5 and it creates a backward d-pawn. Leave your queen at d3, so that it can aim at the d-pawn, or move to g3, aiming at the kingside, if Black chooses to castle kingside. Regarding the black d-pawn, if at d6, you may play Bf4 and O-O-O to put pressure.

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Originally posted by badivan1
5...c5? is bad because it gives away control of d5 and it creates a backward d-pawn. Leave your queen at d3, so that it can aim at the d-pawn, or move to g3, aiming at the kingside, if Black chooses to castle kingside. Regarding the black d-pawn, if at d6, you may play Bf4 and O-O-O to put pressure.
c5 is best in that position IMO. You gotta pressure that queen, don't let it sit there.

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Originally posted by ih8sens
c5 is best in that position IMO. You gotta pressure that queen, don't let it sit there.
no, I disagree...
backwards d-pawns are the devil, I tell you!
unless your opponent forcibly hangs his queen (example of forcibly hanging queen: 1. e4 e5 2. Qh5 Nc6 3. Qxf7+) you will not win with a backwards d-pawn... it's just impossible.

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