Im trying to learn it but i was curoius as to why, when playing the gambit line is 6. Bb5 the correct play after 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Bc4 Nf6 5. e5 d5...
My only guess is that other lines have been proven bad for white but does anyone know why so i dont ever get the bright idea that im smarter than all the GM's that have broken this opening down before... lol
Originally posted by Willzzzyes, i was wondering what makes those inadequate as oppose to Bb5. Ive tried to find games where other moves have been played but that seems to be THE line to play...
Well erm which other lines were you considering? Taking the knight? EP? Retreating in a different direction?
Of couse we should work out for ourselves why some other moves
are not flavour of the month.
Best method is to play it against someone.
What may be deemed as breaking even at GM level may suit us
perfectly for the type of game we may be after.
Also if you follow GM theory then you will almost certainly end up with a
postion that only a GM can play.
Their slight plus for White can easily be turned into a big plus for Black
after a few pawn moves or a faulty piece decision.
If you must look up their games then you may be looking in the wrong place.
This postion is mainline Two Knights Defence.
Here (still in the Two Knights).
The RHP 1400 Database has the following continuations.
Bb5 147 times
exf6 15 times
exd6 11 times
Bb3 3 times
Qe2 2 times
Poke about in there and see some of the other replies you can expect
at our level. Who knows you my discover an off beat try that looked OK
and perhaps with a bit of polish maybe worth a punt.
Don't go by the % as these can be very misleading.
For instance this game which came from the postion you are asking about,
(White is the topical Drunken Morphy)
Black is hammering White but Black resigned a whole bunch of games
in Jan 2009. This was one of them.
White won this (well Black resigned).
thanks for that. it answered my question quite thoroughly and the example game was perfect because that opening line was the one i was most considering.
can you point me in the direction of the RHP 1400 database though :/ i can't find it anywhere and I even went to the site map and didn't have any luck unless im really blind
Originally posted by airborne143rdI think these positions are likely to arise after the alternatives.
yes, i was wondering what makes those inadequate as oppose to Bb5. Ive tried to find games where other moves have been played but that seems to be THE line to play...
Do you like any of them?Then try them.
I don't like any but then I don't like 6.Bb5 either 😛
6.exf6 dxc4 7.0-0 Qxf6 8.Re1+ Be6 9.Bg5?! Qg6
6.exf6 dxc4 7.fxg7(not recommended) Bxg7 8.0-0 0-0
6.exd6e.p. Bxd6 7.0-0 0-0 8.Bg5 Re8
6.Be2 Ne4 7.0-0 Bc5
6.Bb3 Ne4 7.0-0 Bc5
6.Bd3 Nd7 7.0-0 Bc5
Originally posted by airborne143rd
thanks for that. it answered my question quite thoroughly and the example game was perfect because that opening line was the one i was most considering.
can you point me in the direction of the RHP 1400 database though :/ i can't find it anywhere and I even went to the site map and didn't have any luck unless im really blind