Taking a cursory glance at his/her early games shows a seriousl lack of understanding...Game 6170176, one of many examples..
Originally posted by Marinkatomb...also Game 7406734, Game 7406727 . I resigned to his engine in the 2nd round of 'fried liver' because I'd already determined what has now been shown to be the case, despite my protestations to admin. Sometimes I just wonder if I should bother at all. Jesus wept.
Taking a cursory glance at his/her early games shows a seriousl lack of understanding...Game 6170176, one of many examples..
Originally posted by skeeterAt least his opponent on that occasion was graded 18/1900, some of the early loses are against 12/1300's. A true 2300 player would beat a 1200 blindfolded 99 times in 100!
...also Game 7406734, Game 7406727 . I resigned to his engine in the 2nd round of 'fried liver' because I'd already determined what has now been shown to be the case, despite my protestations to admin. Sometimes I just wonder if I should bother at all. Jesus wept.
Originally posted by MarinkatombNormally I try not to get involved in the whole engine/cheating thing, but it occurred to me that I had played him, and I squeaked a draw in a position that I...should not have been able to do.
Taking a cursory glance at his/her early games shows a seriousl lack of understanding...Game 6170176, one of many examples..
What's funny is that I remember PMing my friend from childhood and old college roommate Bralen on the site, telling him that I think I was drawing a master, and that I could not believe he was going to let me get away with it.
I was outplayed and busted, but I saw a "Greenpawn34"-style swindle attempt, so I went for it, and he fell right into it. I could not believe that someone playing at 2200+ strength let me get away with it. A blunder would have been more believable to me, as I do that myself sometimes with a bunch of games going at one time.
It did not even occur to me that he was less than authentic, but in retrospect, things start to make more sense.
Here's the game- I am outclassed, but the swindle for a draw was sweet!
Edit- It was a thematic tournament, so no rating points were involved.
2nd edit- It may not look like a draw superficially, but if you don't see it, try to win it and you'll see it pretty quickly.
Originally posted by Paul LeggettThat game is a prime example of an engine not seeing a draw when material is offered. A human would spot that the Black King is useless with the passed pawn on g6 but the machine got blinded by the fact that it was winning a piece! Nice plan!! 🙂
Normally I try not to get involved in the whole engine/cheating thing, but it occurred to me that I had played him, and I squeaked a draw in a position that I...should not have been able to do.
What's funny is that I remember PMing my friend from childhood and old college roommate Bralen on the site, telling him that I think I was drawing a master, a Re3xe4 34. Rf4xe4 fxe4 35. Kd2e2 e5 36. Ke2d2 1/2-1/2[/pgn]
I see sealion (2009 RHP Champion) was also banned although he left the site several months ago. User 40539
Originally posted by GatecrasherAnother less than surprising result.
I see sealion (2009 RHP Champion) was also banned although he left the site several months ago. User 40539
Originally posted by Gatecrasher
I see sealion (2009 RHP Champion) was also banned although he left the site several months ago. User 40539
Banned after playing 1830 games ...!?
are they seriously checking games or something wrong with the software/method?
"Banned after playing 1830 games ...!?
are they seriously checking games or something
wrong with the software/method?"
They don't use a box in all their games, these clowns get cuaght and
thrown off within a few months.
Doubt is always given to the player so it takes time and a fair amount
of work to get convincing proof.
Polux - if you look at user User 40539 game history, you'll notice that he played at right around 2100 for a long time, and then, fairly quickly, rose to 2300. Its not just low rated players for whom this is suspicious. I haven't looked closely at his "before" games, but I suspect computer use might be harder to prove, say two years ago.