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Should have I drawn or kept playing?

Should have I drawn or kept playing?

Only Chess

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(sorry I dont know how to post it as a link yet)

Would have there been a chance I could have taken the bishop and stormed my pawns up? or was it a good thing I drawn? I really wanted to win this 🙁

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Originally posted by flyUnity

(sorry I dont know how to post it as a link yet)

Would have there been a chance I could have taken the bishop and stormed my pawns up? or was it a good thing I drawn? I really wanted to win this 🙁
Game 6085902

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I don't know if it was winnable for you or not, but it would have been fun to give it a try.

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You should had trade off the rook when you had the chance. White should had won

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Originally posted by flyUnity

(sorry I dont know how to post it as a link yet)

Would have there been a chance I could have taken the bishop and stormed my pawns up? or was it a good thing I drawn? I really wanted to win this 🙁
This is won for white. Instead of drawn repetition as you say, Nxa8 Rxf1+ Kg2.

I think that although black has two rooks your pawns will become unstoppable and you still have rook and knight for the rook pair. I don't see any effective way for the rooks to check and chase the king to gain material, just make sure you get the knight away from a8 so your rook is free to roam without risking the knight becoming trapped and taken.

You will have to accept you will drop a few pawns as these are weak, particularly the a and b pawns, and because of this, potentially the c and d. h pawn also?

Try and keep two pawns together, preferably c and d, if you can, keep b and a obviously, but keeping two passed pawns will be the easy winner here. Maybe run your king to h3 to stay safe, rook on h7 for now protects the king AND stops black king from coming to aid, while white king can come into the fray when necessary, to support pawns up the middle of the board however obviously with the rook pair on black's side this would have to be well judged. trade rook for rook if you can.

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Instead of 36. Nxc7 why didn't you play Rxc7+ ? After 36. Rxc7+ Kd8 37. Rxa7 if he then again tries Rg2+ 38. Kh1 Rf2+, you can take his bishop with 39. Rxa8+.

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He appears to have you in a draw through forced repetition. Not much choice for you in the matter, as far as I can see..... 😕

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white could of blocked the bishop with his knight and then move pawns up

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