...games where you've resisted the urge to develop any pieces. Here's one of mine from the blitz room. Didn't intend it this way, but sometimes your opponents will send you down weird avenues...
[Event "RHP Blitz rated"] [Site "www.redhotpawn.com"] [Date "2012.4.9"] [Round "?"] [White "hunterknox"] [Black "?"] [Result "1-0"] 1. g2-g4 Ng8-f6 2. g4-g5 Nf6-e4 3. d2-d3 Ne4-c5 4. d3-d4 Nc5-e4 5. f2-f3 Ne4-d6 6. e2-e4 Nb8-c6 7. c2-c3 e7-e5 8. d4-d5 Nc6-e7 9. h2-h4 c7-c6 10. c3-c4 c6xd5 11. c4xd5 h7-h6 12. g5xh6 g7xh6 13. Nb1-c3 Rh8-g8 14. Bc1-e3 f7-f6 15. Qd1-b3 Rg8-g3 16. Bf1-e2 Rg3-g2 17. O-O-O Ne7-g6 18. Be2-f1 Rg2-g3 19. Be3-f2 Nd6xe4 20. Nc3xe4 Rg3xg1 21. Rh1xg1 Ng6-h8 22. d5-d6 f6-f5 23. Rg1-g8 f5xe4 24. Rg8xh8 Qd8-f6 25. Bf1-c4 Qf6xh8 26. Bc4-f7 Ke8-d8 27. Bf2-b6 a7xb6 28. Qb3xb6 1-0
Has anyone got a link to that crazy Diemer pawn move game?