I played the Dragon for two or three years straight, analyzing and learning basically everything I could about it, and scored incredibly well. The sharp positions that arise reap rewards for those who put in the hard work to understand them. If you're wondering where your pieces go, you wouldn't do all that badly playing ...g6, ...Bg7, ...0-0, ...Nc6, ...Bd7, and ...Rc8. This isn't always true, but pretty close. I would recommend you buy "Play the Sicilian Dragon" by Eddie Dearing. Certainly worth the time and the money. Just to wet your appetite, here is my most recent Dragon game, and maybe the nicest I've played to date. There's a very interesting rook sac, which ends up winning me some pawns for a piece, while simplifying to an ending. There is a long forced line that basically leads to a winning zugzwang ending for Black. All around nice.
Game 4683358
Originally posted by !~TONY~!dragon endgames... they're pure magic.
I played the Dragon for two or three years straight, analyzing and learning basically everything I could about it, and scored incredibly well. The sharp positions that arise reap rewards for those who put in the hard work to understand them. If you're wondering where your pieces go, you wouldn't do all that badly playing ...g6, ...Bg7, ...0-0, ...Nc6, ...Bd ...[text shortened]... y leads to a winning zugzwang ending for Black. All around nice.
Game 4683358
Yes "Play the Sicilian Dragon" by Eddie Dearing. is a good book.
Watch out for anti-Dragon moves. (2...d6. 3.Bb5+ or 2...Nc6 Bb5)
which are very popular at the moment. Also be ready to ready
to face the Morra (3...d3!), the Grand Prix Attack 2.Nc3 -f4 and
the King's Indian Attack/closed Sicilain.
In the mainline Dragon, do not worry about the h4-h5 attack.
It is what a Dragon players loves playing against.
As Black consider delaying castling for a move or two.
Bd7 & Rc8 this gets White out automatic move mode.
I've had them playing a3 & h3 waiting for me to 0-0
so they go back into their book.
They are then a a few tempo down.
If (and this goes for all Sicilains) you see a chance
to play Rxc3 and then Nxe4. Do it.
Never give up your Dragon Bishop if White still has his
Queen's Bishop on the board.
Have a plan v the Be2 and 0-0 variation.
Not everybody will 0-0-0 and run up the h-pawn.
Good Luck
Game 4683358 - Wonderful game of chess.
Originally posted by !~TONY~!I am going to have to get that book, seems like a good enough idea. Viewed that game, just plain brilliant 😀
I played the Dragon for two or three years straight, analyzing and learning basically everything I could about it, and scored incredibly well. The sharp positions that arise reap rewards for those who put in the hard work to understand them. If you're wondering where your pieces go, you wouldn't do all that badly playing ...g6, ...Bg7, ...0-0, ...Nc6, ...Bd ...[text shortened]... y leads to a winning zugzwang ending for Black. All around nice.
Game 4683358
Have been looking into some tactics books on the Dragon, but I'm going to find that book and try to give that one a read. Thanks for all your help guys!
Originally posted by !~TONY~!That's what's fun about playing the dragon...the rook sac is always fun and always correct! 😉
I played the Dragon for two or three years straight, analyzing and learning basically everything I could about it, and scored incredibly well. The sharp positions that arise reap rewards for those who put in the hard work to understand them. If you're wondering where your pieces go, you wouldn't do all that badly playing ...g6, ...Bg7, ...0-0, ...Nc6, ...Bd ...[text shortened]... y leads to a winning zugzwang ending for Black. All around nice.
Game 4683358
Originally posted by greenpawn34Thanks again for putting the game on your site. It's quite a compliment! 😀
Hi - used game 4683358 in my latest column.
To appear there it has to very very good - or very very bad.
In this case it's the former. Thought it too good to lay tucked away
in some chess forum.
Originally posted by !~TONY~!wow... you haven't calculated that ending to the end when you had played ...Rxc2, have you? (please say no).
I played the Dragon for two or three years straight, analyzing and learning basically everything I could about it, and scored incredibly well. The sharp positions that arise reap rewards for those who put in the hard work to understand them. If you're wondering where your pieces go, you wouldn't do all that badly playing ...g6, ...Bg7, ...0-0, ...Nc6, ...Bd ...[text shortened]... y leads to a winning zugzwang ending for Black. All around nice.
Game 4683358
Originally posted by diskamylNo I hadn't. I calculated all the way to ...Kg2 after I played ...exf4 though. I was lucky enough to notice the bank rank weakness, so I was able to find some lines like the one in the game that allowed me to force that zugzwang ending.
wow... you haven't calculated that ending to the end when you had played ...Rxc2, have you? (please say no).