Originally posted by AThousandYoungIt depends on the variation AThousandYoung:
I think I play Najdorf transposing into Schveningen, but I am not sure. I can't really tell which is which. I've tried looking it up online but I can't tell what defines the difference between the two.
If you are talking about the Be2 variation then an e5 response will be a pure Najdorj while an e6 answer characterizes a Sheveningen
In the Bc4 variation or the Sozin/Velimirovic a quick b5 by Black steers the game into pure Najdorj channels
The Bg5 variation can turn into a Richter Rauzer or a poisoned pawn of the Najdorj
However, I don't essay the Najdorj and my knowledge is rather limited...