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Silly chess problem

Silly chess problem

Only Chess

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White to move and mate in three.

Those of you who have read the "Game 2191106" thread will obviously know the trick.

As far as I know this problem was composed by Tim Krabbé, who, incidentally, runs possibly the best chess site on the internet: http://www.chesscafe.com/

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I dont get it. there is no mate in three...

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This should be easier to read:

Whoops, I think I ballsed up the position. Try this one (Added Black pawn to h3).

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Ok. Not much interest here, so I'll give the solution:

Key: 1. e7

A) 1. ... g5
2. e8=R+
A1) 2. ... Kf3
3. o-o mate
A2) 2. ... Kd3
3. o-o-o mate

B) 1. ... Kf3
2. e8=R
B1) 2. ... g5
3. o-o mate
B2) 2. ... Kg2
3. o-o-o-o mate

C) 1. ... Kd3
2. e8=R
C1) 2. ... g5
3. o-o-o mate
C2 2. ... Kc2
3. o-o-o-o mate

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And you didnt bother to mention this puzzle involves an illegal move? bravo...

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It wasn't illegal when the puzzle was composed.

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Originally posted by Fat Lady
This should be easier to read:
[fen]8/8/4P1p1/3p4/2pP2p1/1pP1k1Pp/1P5P/R3K2R w KQ 0 1[/fen]

Whoops, I think I ballsed up the position. Try this one (Added Black pawn to h3).
Is this from the game? Or is this just a puzzle using the old rule?

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It's a puzzle, not from a real game.

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Originally posted by Red Night
Is this from the game? Or is this just a puzzle using the old rule?
The "old rule" was never a rule, only a flaw in the rule book.
Has been used only once, and then not without heavy discussion.
The rule was rewritten when the fault was recognized.

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
The "old rule" was never a rule, only a flaw in the rule book.
Has been used only once, and then not without heavy discussion.
The rule was rewritten when the fault was recognized.
"old rule" ??

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Originally posted by leisurelysloth
"old rule" ??
Apparently in 1903 or 1904, in a Master's game, one of the players castled using a promoted pawn turned into a rook on e8 and a king on e1.

The Rook ended up on e2 and the King on e3.

Because the Rook on e8 and the King on e1 had never moved they were able to castle under the rules as written at the time. This was an unintended consequence of a poorly written rule and the rule was quickly re-written.

I would love to see the game in question, as it is hard to imagine the situation where it would make sense.

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Thanks for clearing that up.

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