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Simple Chess and the Corridor Mate.

Simple Chess and the Corridor Mate.

Only Chess



06 May 08
16 Feb 23
3 edits

A brief look at ‘Simple Chess’ by Michael Stean simply because reports are coming in
that the 2002 algebraic version appears to be on sale at a knocked down price everywhere.

I mention a tiny slip in the book which was meant to lead onto some RHP examples
with the same type of play but I could not find any suitable examples. so straight onto
an Unheard Melody not heard in a John Nunn game. J. Nunn - S. Skembris Paris 1983.

Then I suppose you could call it Unheard Melody II where Berthold Englisch misses
a wonderful move featuring a corridor mate in his game v Gunsberg at Hamburg 1885.
All this is leading up to a great OTB game. I. Nikolayev - D. A Weatherly, USA 2003.

The final position after 23 moves in a Goring Gambit is:

Blog Post 546

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