I entered one of the Xmas Grand tourneys and and am wondering how some of you keep up with so many games.
I guess I am not good enough to handle that many games as I am making blunder after blunder. Live and learn.
Note to self: Keep active games under 20-25 self you can't handle over 70.
Merry Christmas to all..
Originally posted by SirLoseALotBy the way.
I also wonder how they do it.Can't keep up with more than 20 myself.
I would like to thank you and the other kind players on RHP that have created and contributed to threads regarding play and helping lower rated players as myself. Due to reading of these threads and studying the ideas and recomendations I have succesfully raised my rating from the low of 855 I hit shortly after joining to back around the 1200. Now to get my game count back down so I can keep it there. :0
I hate to say it but some of the better advice I found in Mateulose threads....hahaha.
Originally posted by stormyh2osSame here, I am making blunder after blunder, but some games I am playing well. But to add insult to injury, all my opponents resigned almost immediately all the games I was winning, while the ones I was losing slightly, and ended up losing, came next. It's better to lose first and then win next, but as of right now, all my wins have come to waste because a small losing streak came after my huge winning streak all against players from 1400-1700 rated.
I entered one of the Xmas Grand tourneys and and am wondering how some of you keep up with so many games.
I guess I am not good enough to handle that many games as I am making blunder after blunder. Live and learn.
Note to self: Keep active games under 20-25 self you can't handle over 70.
Merry Christmas to all..
Russ should make the ratings changed based on when the game started, not what your current rating is, because, say, someone plays 10 games against 1600 rated players and are 1600 rated themselves, they win their first 7 games, get a high rating, then lose their next 3, and go back to where they were before, where's the logic in that? That's exactly what happened to me, it sucks 😞
Anyways, I seem to be at a good game number now. A strategy is to play around 3-4 tournies, then you should have a good amount of games and it's fun too, because it seems like more is at stake. Be sure to pick fast moving tournies though. Don't do what I did, ie: the minute you get that pawn star, you start creating 60 open invite games, argh. 🙄
Originally posted by mateuloseWhy do you feel this is an insult? I accept it as a gracious move by not dragging the game out unnecessarily. I tend to drag some out just because I am not sure if I can come back and since I am still a lower rated player playing the lower rated they make blunders also and let me back in the game at times.
But to add insult to injury, all my opponents resigned
One other thing Mate...you really should be happy and proud of your rating...I know it is frustrating losing but if I had your rating I would realize I am well above the average player and I will still make a blunder here or there and lose to lower rated players.
Not sure if you watch American football or not but if you do you need to accept that as a better player you will be like the undeafeated team in football. Everyone is going to want to knock you off and will try and play there best games against you to do just that. Think about it...if you were to play the same lower rated people you lose to in a 10 game match you would more than likely win 7, 8 or more out of the ten.
Nothing to complain about just learn from your losses.