This is a RHP slow game.
vandervelde vs Attila The Horn
[GameId "9269353"] May 2012
No big deal in itself, but I would like to show some unfolded combinations that were waiting, lurking in the shadows.
This is the interesting position where the combination No1 should have hapenned.
Another interesting position
Originally posted by Fat LadyYou are right, but pnly now I see I made a mistake.
I don't think 5. ... Bh3 deserves two exclamation marks as Black has a slightly stronger move than that.
In the corretc position, Black Rook is on h8, so I can return the piece I had sacrficed.
In the position with Rook on h8, Bh3 is winning.
I have set the position blindly...
Thanks for the correction.
It was my first thread with a lot of fen's and pgn's in one post.
So, in the position on diagram, Black Rook should be on h8!
I see now that I forgot to put some comments in the game
When I played 20. Na5 -
I have set the position on my chess wallet, and by mistake I put the Knight on a4. Next morning I looked at the position, and I saw a natural move for Black 20...Rd4, which would have won a piece.
I almost resigned, and it would have been a joke-resignation of the decade!
I think White should also win with
22. Qxc6 Qxc6
23. Nxc6 Kc7
with an attempt to catch the Knight
24. c4 Rc5
25. b4 etc.