Our county just finished it's local cash prize tournament, and I managed to tie for second. I plan on posting all 5 of the games eventually, but I'll start off with my final one. Btw, I don't know how to put it into analysis board or eingine notation, so Ill just post it the way I know how.
White: c guy1--1399
Black: Opponent--1168
Date 3/31/07
Time Control: 55min with 5sec delay
1. Nf3 d5
2. c4 dxc4
3. Qa4+ Nc6
4. Qxc4 e5
5. g3 Be6
6. Qc2 Nf6
7. d3 Bg4
8. Bg2 Bxf3
9. Bxf3 Nd4
10. Qa4+ b5
11. Qa6 Rb8
12. Bc6+ Nd7
13. Be3 Nc2+
14. Kd2 Nxa1
15. Bxa7 Rc8
16. Qxb5 Bd6
17. Nc3 Qe7
18. Bxd7+ Qxd7
19. Qxd7+ Kxd7
20. Rxa1 hRe8
21. a3 Ra8
22. Be3 c5
23. Ne4 f6?
24. Nxc5+ Bxc5
25. Bxc5 Kc6
26. Rc1 Kb5
27. Bb4 Ka4
28. Rc8 Rg8
29. Bc3 h6
30. Ke3 aRc8
31. Rb7? g5
32. Rb4+ Ka5
33. Rb8+ Ka6
34. Rxc8 Rxc8
35. d4 exd4
36. Bxd4 Re8+
37. Kf3 f5
38. e3 h5
39. h4 gxh4
40. gxh4 Re4
41. Bf6 Rg4
By this point it's clear that the bishop has enough to force a queen, especially after black just gave up the e4 square. I went on to win in about 40 more moves.
I was happy to get a win out of this game, allowing Nc2+ on move 13 was a blunder, but looking back it, I think a knight and 2 pawns is enough to make up for a knight.
After looking back at it, if black had opened the center and kept both rooks on the board, he may have stood a chance.
I know it wasn't absolutely briliant, but any comments you have would be appretiated.
EDIT: BTW, what should a game look like if I want to post it more efficiently (so people can past into programs)?
Originally posted by c guy1I really enjoyed the games, thx for posting.
Our county just finished it's local cash prize tournament, and I managed to tie for second. I plan on posting all 5 of the games eventually, but I'll start off with my final one. Btw, I don't know how to put it into analysis board or eingine notation, so Ill just post it the way I know how.
White: c guy1--1399
Black: Opponent--1168
Date 3/31/07
Time C ...[text shortened]... a game look like if I want to post it more efficiently (so people can past into programs)?