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Game 7727389
Game 7791185
The post that was quoted here has been removedI realized straight away that you are a much better player than I am. However 1. f4 is the only opening I use, so it is related to these games quite closely.
12. Nxb6 axb6
13. Rxb6
How could you refuse his delicious pawns like that? I cant even think of a very good black response to this. 13. Rxb6 Ne7 to try and castle?
With that much material down, I'd resign.
Sacrifice of bishop: Not a great move, but you were winning all over the place and it would take quite a sterling effort for you to clutch defeat from the jaws of victory here.
There's no way out for black in this game. He's beaten through and through.
edit: As for your second game: Could you walk me WHY you played
4. e5?
I'm trying to figure out the logic behind it as it advances your centre incredibly early for no benefit.
I would definitley keep the knight on a8 rather than trying to save it because:
White must use two moves to take it.
If the knight has no escape and no useful desperado moves it's a waste of tempo moving it.
On a8, it controls the c7 square, blocking off an escape route to the queenside for the black king. It also threatens a fork if we can force the black king to e8.
My idea on move 15 would be (of course White is completely winning here)
15 Ng5 Nh6 defending f7
16 Ne4 (attacking d6 and f6 and clearing g5 for the bishop) If black goes after the knight with Bb7, we have
17 f5 Nxf5
18 Rxf5 exf5
19 Bg5ch Kc8
20 Nd6ch Kb8
21 Ra8 Qc6
22 Bf3 trapping the queen
Originally posted by geo86012I was also thinking about the 'two moves to take the a8 Knight' PLUS the fact that it is an incredibly useless place for black.
I would definitley keep the knight on a8 rather than trying to save it because:
White must use two moves to take it.
My idea on move 15 would be (of course White is completely winning here)
The problem is a question of value: Sure it takes two moves to take the knight, but you can trade the knight for two pawns, a wrecked queenside and pot shots at your leisure attacking the black queen.
One thing I didnt calculate was using it to force the king to take, stopping black from castling and ruining any chance of a retreat to the king side. But white is just winning all over the place in that first game. Even if black castled the threat of the always embarrassing back rank mate looms always due to being a whole rook down.
edit: I am going to insert your game idea as a pgn
invalid pgn: You've got 21 Ra8 Qc6 (Rook goes to a1 not a8, Queen cant go to c6 as there is a Knight there)
edit2: Actually, this whole idea doesnt work. Am I missing some move order or something?