This was a 10 minute game I played as Black. It is educational on what happens when one side doesn't fight for their fair share of space.
Live Chess"] [Site ""] [Date "2016.12.26"] [Round "?"] [White "harleybaby"] [Black "BigDoggProblem"] [Result "0-1"] [TimeControl "600"] [ECO "B01"] [WhiteElo "1887"] [BlackElo "1870"] [Termination "BigDoggProblem won by checkmate"] [CurrentPosition "8/8/2k5/1p6/1Pp1p1B1/2Pp2np/1B1P2r1/7K w - - 1 74
[Event "Live Chess"] [Site ""] [Date "2016.12.26"] [Round "?"] [White "harleybaby"] [Black "BigDoggProblem"] [Result "0-1"] [TimeControl "600"] [ECO "B01"] [WhiteElo "1887"] [BlackElo "1870"] [Termination "BigDoggProblem won by checkmate"] [CurrentPosition "8/8/2k5/1p6/1Pp1p1B1/2Pp2np/1B1P2r1/7K w - - 1 74"] 1. e4 d5 2. Nc3 {An unusual move. Normal is exd5.} 2... d4 3. Nce2 c5 {e5 was better. This gave white a chance to play e5.} 4. Nf3 Nc6 5. c3 e5 {I was sorely tempted to play ...d3 but feared getting over-extended.} 6. a4 {Looks like a mistake to me. Now I can play ...d3 and keep the pawn there for a long time, keeping White very cramped.} 6... d3 7. Ng3 h5 {Threat = ...h4 and the N has no good square.} 8. h4 c4 9. b3 Be6 {He had played a4 so I couldn't play ...b5; one little problem...I don't need ...b5.} 10. b4 f6 11. a5 b5 12. axb6 {He must try this to get somewhere, anywhere some space; I figured I could make better use of the file than he, so I allowed it.} 12... axb6 13. Bb2 {This B is the most miserable piece on the board. Nowhere to go, hemmed in behind his own pawns.} 13... b5 14. Ng1 {What else is he supposed to do?} 14... Bg4 15. Qc1 Nge7 {Heading for f4.} 16. Rh2 {Intending Nh1, g3 and Bh3 .} 16... Ng6 17. Nf5 {Or not. I trade and pick up the pawn after.} 17... Bxf5 18. exf5 Nge7 19. g3 Nxf5 20. Bg2 Kd7 {Every piece earns his keep.} 21. Qd1 Nd6 {If Qf3 I'll slam the diagonal shut with ...e4.} 22. Nf3 Be7 23. Bh3+ Kc7 24. Kf1 Rxa1 {The side with the extra space generally avoids trades, but I wanted to work my ...Rh8 into a dominant position on the a-file before he had time for Kg2 and Rh1.} 25. Bxa1 {I had expected Qxa1.} 25... Qa8 26. Bg2 Qa2 27. Ne1 g6 {To put Be7 on h6.} 28. Qc1 {Just waiting around to see what I'll do.} 28... e4 29. Kg1 Ne5 30. Rh1 Qa7 {Going for cheap ...Nf5xg3 tricks.} 31. Bh3 Ra8 32. Bb2 Bf8 33. Ng2 {He should have tried Kh2, Rf1, Ng2 and hide the K on h1 after ...Nf3+.} 33... Nf3+ 34. Kf1 Bh6 35. Ne3 Kc6 {Keeps the N out of d5. I try not to give even a bit of counter play.} 36. Kg2 Qf7 {Switching gears to attack White's King.} 37. Rf1 f5 38. Nd1 {I could have taken d2, but that would have let his sorry Bb2 into the game via c1.} 38... f4 {If he didn't take I was going to follow with ...g5.} 39. gxf4 Qxf4 40. Rh1 Nxh4+ 41. Kf1 Bg5 {...Ndf5 may have been better.} 42. Ne3 Qf3 43. Rh2 Qe2+ 44. Kg1 Nf3+ 45. Kh1 Nxh2 46. Kxh2 Qxf2+ {The inevitable invasion has come to pass. One of my favorite things about a space advantage is how I can slowly tighten the grip like a vise while the opponent tries desperately to wriggle out.} 47. Bg2 Bf4+ 48. Kh1 Rf8 {...Qh4 was better. Time pressure was becoming a factor.} 49. Nf1 Qh4+ 50. Kg1 Bg3 51. Nxg3 Qxg3 52. Qa1 {Finally white has control of a file, but it's too late.} 52... Qf2+ 53. Kh1 Qb6 54. Qe1 Rf4 {No Qh4 for you!} 55. Qg3 Qf2 {The trade can't be avoided because ...Rh4 crushes.} 56. Qxf2 Rxf2 57. Bc1 {The poor guy. I felt really sorry for him. He's singing the "bad bishop blues".} 57... Kd5 58. Kg1 Rf4 59. Ba3 Ke5 60. Bc1 Nf5 61. Bb2 Ng3 62. Kh2 Ne2 63. Ba3 Rh4+ 64. Bh3 g5 {I was under 30 seconds, which somewhat explains missing ...Nf4 on this and next move.} 65. Kg2 Rf4 66. Bc8 Kd6 67. Ba6 Kc6 68. Bc8 g4 69. Be6 h4 70. Bb2 h3+ 71. Kh2 Rf2+ 72. Kh1 Rg2 73. Bxg4 Ng3# {Whew! 19 seconds on the clock.} 0-1
Originally posted by Eladar I 've never seen a bishop get trapped like that. It was quite funny to see him try to get around his own pawn chain to no avail.
The guy you were playing, was he very good? Doesn't appear to be so good compared to you.
His rating was 1887 which was 17 points higher than mine.
I wouldn't judge his overall skill on one game where he experimented in the opening and got a bad position.
Originally posted by Eladar Did he not see the pawn push after he played Nc3?
Maybe he was drunk and forgot he was supposed to take the pawn first.
What was the purpose for a4?
2.Nc3 is a book line, albeit a sideline. It is trying to get Black to over-extend, as Black does to White in many other openings, such as the King's Indian or Alekhine's Defense. It's inferior, but hardly a fatal mistake.
The purpose for a4 was to stop me from playing ...b5 to support a P on c4, but yes, it was a mistake. I can only guess that he was preparing to undermine my Pb5/c4/d3 chain with b3/a4, but that's never going to work with such a cramped position. He had to play d3 there.