How are you doing? If I have viewed correctly, the following 2 continuations could have occurred in the game above:
2... Nc5 is not good because if Rf3, Rh3, Rxh4, Qxh7# is possible. The Knight might be better at f8 defending h7.
Another thing, With 2...Nc5, 3. Rf3 Nxd3, then 4. Rh3 Bh4 5. Rxh4 Re8 6. Qxh7+ Kf8 7. cxd3 can happen, right?
Hi Tvo.
In all the cases White could have played Rh3 and Qxh7+ first before
dealing with any threat on the other other side of the board.
It is the kind of position I love messing about with looking for shots and sneaky traps.
Here is the first chance to pay Rh3 instead of taking on d3.
1.Rh3 (1...Rf8 gets mated.) 1...Bh5. now take on d3 and then on h5.
Piece up and the attack is still on.
The last chance to play it.
The second chance.
r2q1rk1/pbp2p1p/1p2p1pQ/3pP3/1b3P2/1P1PPR2/PB1N2PP/R5K1 w - - 0 16
1.Rh3 Rf8 2.Qxh7+ Kf8 3.Nf3 White is winning.
The third chance.