Originally posted by RavelloThe Stonewall Variation of the Dutch Defence is recognisable when black sets up a white squared pawn chain with : f5,e6,d5,c6 to block whites pieces. The weakness is that the wall is inflexible and easily played around.
In a Chesscafe's column I heard about the Stonewall or Dutch Stonewall but there's no explanation,also I didn't find it in the Chessgames opening explorer.
Can someone tell me how it's played?
thank for replies......s
BR's skeeter
The Dutch Stonewall is played by white. It is ultra defensive. Essentially white builds the Dutch formation described above. Since white has a move advantage, it can be very effective, flexible, solid, and very frustrating for your opponent. But it is only recommended if you are playing a stronger opponent. The stonewall has a high probability of ending in a draw. But who wants to draw against weaker opponents, especially when playing white?