Originally posted by Harry00Press the clock, do not punch it. Clocks, as all things that are made, wear out. They wear out more rapidly when abused.
Okay, I remember going to a place called "All The King's Men." They were all playing chess. They were puching clocks after they made a move. What are the clocks for? Never had them when I played in school.
Originally posted by TommyCLOL
I like to head butt my clock after each move.
Reminded of playing in OTB tournaments when I was a kid. Opponents would always insist on using their own clock. Which was fine with me, see someone's post about the things wearing out.
In any event, everytime you moved you would punch that thing hard. Particularly if you took a piece. People would get mad and that would make you do it all the more. You figured you were getting an edge cause your opponent was all pissed off because you were smashing their clock.
Chess can be a very ugly game!
Originally posted by MctaytoI assumed that when Harry00 said:
So in effect you believe that clocks don't tell time ??
"They were all playing chess. They were puching clocks after they made a move. What are the clocks for? Never had them when I played in school...."
he was referring to a chess clock, not just any clock--in which case your answer was not particularly helpful.
Furthermore, if they're posting in the Chess or Help forums, I will generally give someone the benefit of the doubt and assume that they're looking for a serious answer--even if the question appears somewhat silly. If they wanted a bunch of grief, then I'd expect them to post in General. Or if they just wanted to post something dumb, I'd expect them to put it in Posers and Puzzles. 😞