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Sveshnikov Siclilian

Sveshnikov Siclilian

Only Chess


18 Jul 03
08 Aug 03
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it seems the Svesh is popular now--seeing as two of three games
lately in Dortmund Sparkasse have been of that variation.
any sexy ideas afer e4 c5 nf3 nc6 d4 cd nxd4
nf6 nc3 e5?

Shut Gorohoviy!

19 May 03
08 Aug 03
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Yes.Take off your dress!

Into the Breach!

San Francisco

24 Feb 03
08 Aug 03
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My dodgy computer, which has some mad Dutch opening book, likes Nb5 for white, then if h6 Nd6+ BxN QxB...wouldn't want to play that for Black...

Failing that, try iocane powder.😀


18 Jul 03
08 Aug 03
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your machine is dumb: book is Ndb5, D6, then either Bg5 or Nd5--
no reason to allow the check on d6

Into the Breach!

San Francisco

24 Feb 03
08 Aug 03
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Well, ok, if Black doesn't prevent 7. Bg5 then maybe White should play it - the main line looks pretty good to me. Some recent wins in this line for White:


I know, there have been some disasters too - looks to me like those were people in a rush to trade off that g5 bishop and opening a file for black aimed at their king. Maybe that's why you're looking for alternatives?

7. Be3 looks clever to me. The dodgy computer says it's equal, but it has a couple of virtues:
- It points the bishop at the queenside, where you want to slow black's counterplay, instead of just swapping it off as often happens in the main line.
- It speeds 0-0-0 .
- It invites Black to prematurely try to seize the initiative, which I think is a virtue.

You could try to avoid the whole thing with 6. Nb3 (hey Schlecter drew Lasker with it in 1910), but if you wanted a positional game why not play d4 to start with... 6. Nf5 looks pretty bad, too.

Has 7. a4 been tried?


22 Aug 03
22 Aug 03
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Originally posted by lloydk
Well, ok, if Black doesn't prevent 7. Bg5 then maybe White should play it - the main line looks pretty good to me. Some recent wins in this line for White:


I know, there have been some disaste ...[text shortened]... al game why not play d4 to start with... 6. Nf5 looks pretty bad, too.

Has 7. a4 been tried?

I play this openning, and it is very unbalance but even! main line is

Bg5 a6
Na3 b5
Bxf6 gxf6
Nd5 f5

The whole idea in this opening is:

white control d5 (at least for the moment) and whole game evolves around this square (together with the fight over f5). black usually get read of the double pawns and has an open g file.

If you look at any database you will find that white is winning 37% , black 29% and 34% ends with a draw. It the main defense of Leko and Kramnik against e4.

7. Be3 loses the e4 pawn !!!

7 ... a6
8 Na3 b5
9. Nd5 (forced , otherwise b4!) Nxe4 with no real compansation for the pawn and the loss of control over d5 / f5

7. a4 has been tried but it's less pupolar

6. Nb3 is not that good since after

6. Nb3 Bb4 7. Bc4 0-0 8. 0-0 d6 9. Qd3 Bxc3 10. bxc3 Qc7

black is better (I think)

6. Nf3 is not good either

Hope it helps

Into the Breach!

San Francisco

24 Feb 03
23 Aug 03
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7. Be3 loses the e4 pawn !!!

7 ... a6
8 Na3 b5
9. Nd5 (forced , otherwise b4!) Nxe4 with no real compansation for the pawn and the loss of control over d5 / f5
Thanks...I never play this - I guess this is why people like the Sicilian so much, there's so much stuff you can look at. 😛

I'm still trying to defend my Be3 plan...what happens if, after you take the e pawn, white plays 10. Bb6 ?


22 Aug 03
23 Aug 03
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Originally posted by lloydk
Thanks...I never play this - I guess this is why people like the Sicilian so much, there's so much stuff you can look at. 😛

I'm still trying to defend my Be3 plan...what happens if, after you take the e pawn, white plays 10. Bb6 ?
Well, I wasn't accuarte last time. It's in another variation that black wins the e4 pawn. Ok, so let's go back to the position arises after:

1. e4 c5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. d4 cxd4
4. Nxd4 Nf6
5. Nc3 e5
6. Ndb5 d6

and now why not: 7. Be3

On Be3 black plays:

7. ... a6
8. Na3 b5
9. Nd5 Rb8 (and now Bd6 is losing material)
10. Qf3 (the e4 pawn is hanging) Be7
11. c3 (natural way to get the Knight on a3 into the game) 0-0
12. 0-0-0 Be6
13. Nc2 b4

Now look at the board. Black is at leat even if not more than that. His attack is in high gear, using the open c file and the a/b pawns.

Of course, white can castle king size, but still black has a really good play on the queen side.

I analyzed it with the computer which suggested best available moves for both, and the positions arise from 7. Be3 are better for black.

Into the Breach!

San Francisco

24 Feb 03
23 Aug 03
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...main line is

Bg5 a6
Na3 b5
Bxf6 gxf6
Nd5 f5
Ok, sorry about the confusion there. I see your point on Be3...

Let me ask you this - in the main line why would white trade the bishop for the knight? It opens a file for black and gives him good counterplay on both sides of the board?! Why not Nd5 right away?


22 Aug 03
23 Aug 03
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Originally posted by lloydk
Ok, sorry about the confusion there. I see your point on Be3...

Let me ask you this - in the main line why would white trade the bishop for the knight? It opens a file for black and gives him good counterplay on both sides of the board?! Why not Nd5 right away?
Nd5 is o.k. It is one of the line, but it doen't really give anything to white.

7. Nd5 Nxd5
8. exd5 Nb8
9. c4 a6
10. Nc3 Be7
11. Be2 0-0
12 . 0-0 f5
13. f4 Nd7
14. Be3 exf4
15. Bxf4 Ne5

Now Black has almost completed his development, he doesn't have a backward pawn (d6), has a Knight on e5 and and open c/f files.

I think Black is better here - that's why it hasn't been played recently.

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