Ok boys and girls, I just got back from a chess club at my school and I just played an interesting but funny, funny move! I just thought it was an interesting tactic so I will post it here!
[Event Casual Game]
[Site North Olmsted]
[Date 2003.01.22]
[Round ?]
[White Pappu, Ananth(2150)]
[Black Rotella, Tony(1700)]
[Result *]
1. e4 Nf6 2. Nc3 d5 3. exd5 Nxd5 4. Bc4 Nxc3 5.Qf3! [Better than doubling the pawns!] e6 6. Qxc3 Nc6 7. a3 [stopping any funny business with Bb4 ideas] Bc5 8. Nf3 O-O 9. O-O Bd4[I didn't mind giving up a bishop for a knight because I wanted to stop b4, Bb2 ideas for him which may start a good attack for him....] 10. Nxd4 Qxd4 11. Qxd4 Nxd4 [I'm a big fan of my knight on this square.....it's pesky!] 12. Bd3 e5 13. c3?! My friend loves to make crap moves to test me out...... Nb3 14. Rb1 Rd8 15. Bc2 Nxd2 16. Rd1 and what is the move folks? I'll give you a couple seconds! 🙂
*Jeopardy tune plays!*
16.Bf5!! [BAMMM! WHOOOO! Hehe......almost all lines give white trouble or a loss but this one.....]
17. Rxd2 Bxc2 18.
Ra1 Rxd2 19. Bxd2 Rd8 20. Be3 and this looks like a classic opposite colored bishops draw, with black better though. I could be wrong about all of this analysis and mind you this is just some post game analysis.......
Maybe I'm showing my greenness, but I'm having problems importing your text into a PGN file that works with any programs (SCID, specifically). Is your text, Tony, supposed to work as a PGN or am I making incorrect assumptions? The Kasparov vs. 15 year-old did the same thing to me earlier today. Any help or info is appreciated.