on not more than a few occasions i have played moves that were real howlers, completely tactically unsound, infact scandalously tactically unsound, however on each of the occasions my opponents either did not notice and/or take advantage, the result being that instead of suffering perhaps to fight for a draw being a piece down i find myself in the pleasant position of being quite cozy. i was wondering if this is a sound strategy to follow, because the risks and subsequent results seem to out way the disadvantages, at my level anyway. if we lose even a piece, especially if its a minor piece, we can usually survive, but if the gamble works and our opponents fails to take advantage of it in the ensuing complications then we are 'sorted', and can usually convert to what should be an easy win, i was just wondering if any of you guys that play poker can see the similarity, it strikes me as kind of like bluffing in a way, not sound and extremely risky but winning if we can pull it off, is this a good strategy or should we at all times try our very best to play really sound chess, any thoughts most appreciated.
Below master level, this "gamble" in itself might not hurt that much. The real problem is that you may make a habit of it. This will cost you later on when you move up. I think you should always go for the best move. If there is choice between a solid move and a tactical one (that you don't see a refutation to), choose the one that suits your style.
Hope This Helps
Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromficsactually Paul its a little addictive already, because it seems to get good results, however i understand what you are saying, as we play better players this sort of thing would never work. you play poker is it kind of similar?
Below master level, this "gamble" in itself might not hurt that much. The real problem is that you may make a habit of it. This will cost you later on when you move up. I think you should always go for the best move. If there is choice between a solid move and a tactical one (that you don't see a refutation to), choose the one that suits your style.
Hope This Helps
Originally posted by robbie carrobieWhen i play texas hold 'em I only make the calls that are statistically favorable for me. It's the same as in poker, make unsound calls(moves) then better players will pound you.
actually Paul its a little addictive already, because it seems to get good results, however i understand what you are saying, as we play better players this sort of thing would never work. you play poker is it kind of similar?
Originally posted by tomtom232Hi tomtom, but surely what happens is that the better players get to know this and know you will only make a call when it is advantageous to you, they know you will not try to bluff them, therefore why not try a bluff, the will never expect it from you, or perhaps they have like a kind of six sense that they could suss you out and get you ?
When i play texas hold 'em I only make the calls that are statistically favorable for me. It's the same as in poker, make unsound calls(moves) then better players will pound you.
Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromficswow its that bad, man it would take nerves of steel to play that kind of game. do you play on fics for money,what i mean is it possible, chess that is?
I can't compare chess and poker. I never lost $200+ dollars making the "correct" play in chess. 🙂
Originally posted by robbie carrobieBluffing enters into the statistics if you know who you are playing. Some people call big bets more than others do.
Hi tomtom, but surely what happens is that the better players get to know this and know you will only make a call when it is advantageous to you, they know you will not try to bluff them, therefore why not try a bluff, the will never expect it from you, or perhaps they have like a kind of six sense that they could suss you out and get you ?
Originally posted by tomtom232I very rarely bluff. One particular had I raised preflop. The flop was AKQ. I bet the turn was 2. I bet the river was a 5. I fired a big bet on the river. The guy called and turned up 66. For that call to work, he had to put me on 44 or 33 or nothing. Those were the only three possibilites that his hand could beat. (I had nothing. 🙂 )
Bluffing enters into the statistics if you know who you are playing. Some people call big bets more than others do.
You have to expect bonehead calls like that online.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieIt can be little things like an eye twitch or they blink one too many times or maybe they cough which isn't a big sign because everybody coughs once in a while.. but if you see a pattern then there is a good chance that you can tell when they are bluffing or not. Some people try to make fake tells but that usually just gets them into hot water.
lol, you mean like start to sweat or fidget around etc etc.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieI have never played online chess for money. (Live tournaments obviously have prize funds.) I do remember an ad for a site that you could bet on chess games, years ago. I think it would just encourage cheating, so even if wagering were possible, I would stay away.
wow its that bad, man it would take nerves of steel to play that kind of game. do you play on fics for money,what i mean is it possible, chess that is?
Originally posted by tomtom232are you allowed to ware dark glasses or is that illegal. i remember seeing this picture of a dude who was playing Tal, and to combat his piercing stare, the dude had these mirrored glasses on so that it would reflect Tals stare back at him!
It can be little things like an eye twitch or they blink one too many times or maybe they cough which isn't a big sign because everybody coughs once in a while.. but if you see a pattern then there is a good chance that you can tell when they are bluffing or not. Some people try to make fake tells but that usually just gets them into hot water.