River City
White to move
Montréal, Québec
imo, Kg8
Sidmouth, Uk
1. Kg8 g5 2. Kh7 And black drops the h pawn.
i agree Kg8 wins but black can be annoying for many more moves. toughest one yet!
Originally posted by likeforest i agree Kg8 wins but black can be annoying for many more moves. toughest one yet!
This stretches my mind too much, is this some kind of mental yoga, my brain hurts. I think this puzzle is perversion.
Originally posted by ivan2908 This stretches my mind too much, is this some kind of mental yoga, my brain hurts. I think this puzzle is perversion.
your line is cleaner, but i was looking at Kg8 g5 hxg5 Kg6! when black can fight on for a few more moves
So Kg8 and the poor black king can't take opposition because of his own pawn. So after Kg8 all that black can do is making useless king moves while white is munching his pawns since any pawn move for black puts him in zugzwang? Is that correct?
Nope, I guess it is not, I am so blind.. Embarassing.
I didn't fancy giving black the g5 square. edit: Kg6 is no good!
I recognise this one, its a few moves into a study on the distant opposition in Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual if I remember correctly.
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