...most of all talzamir.
Swiss G. posted a game a few days ago showing a 'Deep Mode' continuation
that led to mate. Never used the feature myself. (he's right it takes a while to
get it right.)
Fat Lady posted a game I later used in a Blog where he played the Bishop's opening.
So I played the Bishop's Opening and set up a Deep Mode Trap.
GP - talzamir RHP Dec 2012.
Originally posted by greenpawn34Actually use 'deep' mode? Me? Not so much. I played that game on chess.com. 😛
...most of all [b]talzamir.
Swiss G. posted a game a few days ago showing a 'Deep Mode' continuation
that led to mate. Never used the feature myself. (he's right it takes a while to
get it right.)
Fat Lady posted a game I later used in a Blog where he played the Bishop's opening.
So I played the Bishop's Opening and set up a Deep Mode Trap. ...[text shortened]... nderful. Thank you talzamir. You are gentleman and a fellow chess player.}[/pgn][/b]
Originally posted by greenpawn34So he actually saw the checkmate coming and decided to give you the immediate satisfaction rather than drag it out by playing a rook down.
...most of all [b]talzamir.
Swiss G. posted a game a few days ago showing a 'Deep Mode' continuation
that led to mate. Never used the feature myself. (he's right it takes a while to
get it right.)
Fat Lady posted a game I later used in a Blog where he played the Bishop's opening.
So I played the Bishop's Opening and set up a Deep Mode Trap. nderful. Thank you talzamir. You are gentleman and a fellow chess player.}[/pgn][/b]