18 Oct 12
The Duck has given us an an opening trap 3 moves into the Ruy Lopez.
The first stalemate from the RHP Ch. Round 2. (daniv - lausey )
This study like win was missed, White to play and win.
Loads of 2 Rooks + 1 Knight v Queen examples from RHP.
Some are hilarious, one or two quite excellent.
Blog 4
Originally posted by greenpawn34
The Duck has given us an an opening trap 3 moves into the Ruy Lopez.
The first stalemate from the RHP Ch. Round 2. (daniv - lausey )
[fen]8/6p1/8/5PKp/4kP1P/8/8/8 w - - 0 44[/fen]
This study like win was missed, White to play and win.
Loads of 2 Rooks + 1 Knight v Queen examples from RHP.
Some are hilarious, one or two quite excellent.
Blog 4
1.f6 gxf6 2.Kxh5 Kxf4 3.Kg5 and h-pawn queens