Setting the background scene for the coming match.
(I manage to do it wihtout mentioning 'you-know who' )
It closes with a wonderful piece of chessboard magic.
Kraemer & Massmann, 1955.
White to play and mate in 5 (Black can 0-0-0 if allowed.)
Blog Post 550
@greenpawn34 saidIt seems their are others, is their a way to have an accompanying movable board at the end to make our own attempts?
Setting the background scene for the coming match.
(I manage to do it wihtout mentioning 'you-know who' )
It closes with a wonderful piece of chessboard magic.
Kraemer & Massmann, 1955.
[fen] r3k3/3p1p2/1p1K1p2/1p1b1P1P/3p3p/8/8/2Q5 w - - 0 1 [/fen]
White to play and mate in 5 (Black can 0-0-0 if allowed.)
Blog Post 550
Hi mike69,
Not on this site. The best option is to set it up OTB and sling the bits
about. That way you get to appreciate it more and smell the wood.
There are other mates in 5 variations I have gave what I consider the
best two. (if you drop the position into an engine it may not realise
that Black still has the option to castle Queen side.)
@greenpawn34 saidThank you, as long as their there that’s good enough for me😁, I just wanted to double check. Thanks for the board idea also that will help. I don’t know what a chess engine looks like, but over my interest level.
Hi mike69,
Not on this site. The best option is to set it up OTB and sling the bits
about. That way you get to appreciate it more and smell the wood.
There are other mates in 5 variations I have gave what I consider the
best two. (if you drop the position into an engine it may not realise
that Black still has the option to castle Queen side.)
Hi David,
Yes it really is a beauty. I could never create anything like some of these problems
and studies. (and I've tried.) and that inner feeling when you know you are on the
right track. The hard bit (and when doing these I have to throw the pieces) is making
sure you have bust all the defensive tries. Qa8 pinning the Rook when it was threatening mate in one. Pure poetry.
There is another variation if Black tries 1...Bc4.
@greenpawn34 saidOn 1. h6 Bc4, I thought that 2. Qh1 would be foiled by 2...Bd5, and if 3. Qxd5, only then 3...Rc8.
There is another variation if Black tries 1...Bc4.
[FEN "r3k3/3p1p2/1p1K1p2/1p1b1P1P/3p3p/8/8/2Q5 w - - 0 1"]
1. h6 Bc4 2. Qh1 Rc8 3. h7 Rc6+ 4. Qxc6 dxc6 {Mate next move.} [/pgn]