y'all should try to play the arc.. teh beauty of the arc is that u can play for
both sides and its relatively easy to play.. just play a4 h4 (or a5 h5) and then
you fianchetto the white square bishop. sometimes there is the rook lift from a1
to a3 and out in the open.
this opening is very sound! lol.. my friend invented the arc and actually plays
it in tournaments. his rating is about 2000 right now and rising. he has taken
out 2 IM's, a bunch of 2300's , and even drew 2 GM's with this amazing
opening!.. so try out the arc next time!
yes, the sick hippo is also widely played by some of my goofier friends in
tournaments.. and they dont have such a bad record with it. try it out!
basically, u play g3,f3,nh3,nf2,bg2... castle.. and then u can do the same on
the other side or u can expand in the centre and what not.. u can also play it
for the black side!
nod, ive played this in blitz chess with my friends and at blitz tournaments,
and its really a toss up on who wins.. the reason i created this post is because
i wanted to make a point that it really isnt the opening you decide to play or
anything. at our level, meaning not one of the top super grandmasters, it really
does not matter what we play, as long as we understand "chess" ... if the player
knows and understand the many chess theories and the concepts of chess, that
player can play basically anything and still get deent positions. just a word of
advice, not too much time should be spent on openings, but rather endgames,
middlegames, and a good amount of tactics.
Originally posted by exigentskyYes, it's fun going back to the very first page of threads in each forum.
Wow, this is pretty amazing! I have to try this before Anand, Kramnik and Topolov catch on!
BTW: This is the first thread ever made in the chess forum on RHP and now it lives again! LOL!