Hello, I was hoping that perhaps I could distract those currently speculating on the fate of recently discovered engine users, and somehow politely ensnare into helping me improve my allround game.
After years of casual (shot chess) OTB play, and vague dabbles in correspondence chess, I recently decided to take the game more seriously - purchasing an opening book, and utilising actual 'involved' analysis (albeit at a 1200 level) of moves that I make in every match. (I have a chessboard set up at home for this purpose). It's horrible actually, mistakes everywhere!
Since making my vow, I have gone 8-4 in games, an upturn in fortunes I hope to continue. To this end, I am taking time to carefully analyse my own victories and defeats.
In these games,
Game 5655083
Game 5661519
my inability to deal with openings I seldom encounter was a problem, and certain moves (particularly my 5th move against Richard) will not be replicated in future games. Whilst not an irreparable mistake, I recognise the value of maintaining a tempo to establishing a good game.
However, my low rating and lack of depth in knowledge prevents me from recognising where my errors were made, and I would like to seek advice elsewhere.
Facing someone is ostensibly a much stronger opponent, the first mistake in this game is not very obvious to me...as laughable as this may appear, I consider it to be possibly my 'strongest' losing game to date.
Game 5648029
Where is the first mistake?
I look at Move 7, and see that
7. b3 O-O
8. B-b2 ...
would have maintained parity of development at an early point in the game. Have I missed something? And what other errors are there to my play in this game?
In truth, my approach to analysis is perhaps fundamentally flawed. What is the best way to analyse?
Does one look for the first mistake they make? Or do people analyse each move in a game on its merits/outcomes? (even in the event of the aftermath of 'fatal' mistakes)
Lord Almighty, that dragged on a fair bit! (this thread was going to ask some kind soul for an analysis of my game with Danko - but turned into my asking for advice on the best way to analyse)
Any help is appreciated...😀
EDIT: And apologies to those expecting a knowledgable foray into the topic on my part
Originally posted by Bobson 94you can't go wrong with tactics study. go to chesstempo.com and with one hour a day you may improve very fast (at that stage).
Hello, I was hoping that perhaps I could distract those currently speculating on the fate of recently discovered engine users, and somehow politely ensnare into helping me improve my allround game.
After years of casual (shot chess) OTB play, and vague dabbles in correspondence chess, I recently decided to take the game more seriously - purchasing an op ...[text shortened]...
EDIT: And apologies to those expecting a knowledgable foray into the topic on my part
Well for one, I think you give up too soon in your games. Next, you really need to cut down on your blunders. Looking at some of your other games you seem to be a little careless about leaving your pieces undefended. This just maybe a matter of you moving too quickly. As for your openings, learning the first 4-5 moves of the more common openings and/or using a database for the first few moves will help. In general, you make too many pawn moves and you take to long to develope your pieces. Try to only move your pawns to help develope your pieces or fight for the center. Lastly, try to refrain from attacking until your pieces are developed and your king is castled. Hope this helps a little. Good luck.
Originally posted by KneeCapsThanks very much for the help. The chesstempo website, and the emrald site I seen mentioned on another thread are bookmarked, and will be visited with regular frequency.
Well for one, I think you give up too soon in your games. Next, you really need to cut down on your blunders. Looking at some of your other games you seem to be a little careless about leaving your pieces undefended. This just maybe a matter of you moving too quickly. As for your openings, learning the first 4-5 moves of the more common openings and/or ...[text shortened]... until your pieces are developed and your king is castled. Hope this helps a little. Good luck.
I will attempt to restrict the number of unnecessary pawn moves in my upcoming games (where a piece can be developed).
The speed at which I move has indeed contributed to my blundering. In the following, my careless stupidity contributed to the downright idiotic loss of a bishop in the worst move, correspondence or otherwise, I can remember making.
Game 5665062
I had analysed the position, and played the second move in the expected combination, forgetting the original position. Abysmal. Heart sank as I clicked on submit, my actions simultaneously mimicking those of this man from 6-7 seconds in.
Thanks again.