Originally posted by tugspeedman23..... f5
Blitz Game - 10 min - 5 second interval.
Thomas Jefferson once said this and I think about that quote when I play my games. Bg3-f4 - yes that is an amazing sacrifice.
[pgn][Event "RHP Blitz rated"] [Site "www.redhotchess.com"] [Date "2012.3.10"] [Round "?"] [White "l0gic"] [Black "QueensRyche I"] [Result "1-0"] 1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. d2-d3 c7-c5 3. f ...[text shortened]... Qc2xd3 30. Qf6xh6 Qd3-h7 31. Kg3-f2 Kg8-h8 32. Qh6-f6 Qh7-g7 33. Qf6xg7 1-0[/pgn]
looks a defence for black on a quick glance