1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Bc5 {White can play Nxe5 and d4 here but instead wants a Ruy Lopez.} 4. Bb5 a6 5. Bxc6 dxc6 {If 6. Nxe5 not 6...Qd4 7.Nd3! but 6...Bxf2+ 7.Kxf2 Qd4+} 6. O-O Qf6 7. h3 {To stop an annoying Bg4. The secret of chess is not to get annoyed.} 7... h6 {Dubious, it’s to stop a later Bg5 but not needed at the moment.} 8. d3 Ne7 9. Be3 {I do not think Black will let White open the f-file with 9...Bxe3.} 9... Bd6 10. d4 {This d2-d3-d4 hop looks very good. It's not a waste of tempo. 7...h6 was.} 10... Bd7 {Black had to chop on d4. Now White gets an attack rolling.} 11. dxe5 Bxe5 12. Nxe5 Qxe5 13. f4 Qa5 14. a3 {With the cheeky threat of 15.b4 trapping the Black Queen.} 14... c5 {That stops that idea but Black is still underdeveloped and having to react to White threats.} 15. f5 {Not sure about this. perhaps has f5-f6 ideas. Possibly freeing f4 for the e3 Bishop.} 15... O-O-O 16. Qf3 Nc6 17. Nd5 f6 {Building a base for the Knight going to e5.} 18. Bf4 Ne5 19. Bxe5 {White has a neat trap in mind based on the a5 Queen.} 19... fxe5 20. c4 {Now the most natural move on the board. 20...c6 21.b4 traps the Black Queen.} 20... Qd2 {Black dodged that bullet.} 21. Rf2 Qg5 {The Black Queen is over on the K-side, so now attack the Q-side.} 22. b4 cxb4 23. axb4 {Trying to shift that Knight with c6 allows Nb6+ and more problems.} 23... Bc6 24. b5 axb5 25. cxb5 Bxd5 26. exd5 Qf6 {To put off b6 and d6 ideas.} 27. Qc3 {Wonderful play. White has seen the idea.} 27... Rhf8 {Black misses it and to be honest most of us.....including Carlsen would miss it.} 28. Qc6 bxc6 29. bxc6 {A charming companion to the previous game.}