Originally posted by vipiuFrom chessgames.com: Classical games: Viswanathan Anand beat Magnus Carlsen 6 to 1, with 10 draws.
false. Carlsen does play more exciting than Anad, he is more aggresive and knows he is stringer these days
Carlsen plays openings that people consider `boring` all the time, QGD and d4 (which apprently people consider more boring than e4) . I just dont understand people who consider Carlsen the best in the world (by far) and talk about him as if he is already the world champion (chessbase already calls him future world champion in different articles), that just doesnt give credit to other chess players who are at their peak nowadays. I honestly think because of his lack of match experience (he is great at tournaments but matches require different preparation/attitude) he will not be the next challenger to Anand, maybe the cycle after that.
I agree the guy is one of the best in the world but the kind of 13 year old girl mass hysteria that he seems to bring up in some people on the net ( you should watch a game of his on chessbomb.com) really baffles me. He is a good player and might very well become world champion in the future but I had hoped those petty `he is better than him, he will show them how chess is played, kick their asses Magnus` remarks would eventually stop and people would just enjoy chess instead of becoming fanboys.