The Chinese Dragon is a variation in The Yugoslavian Attack against the Sicilian Dragon. The Chinese has under the recent years atracted alot of Dragon experts including Chris Ward.
The Chinese Dragon Shows it self after: 1.e4 c5 (the Sicilian) 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 (The Open Sicilian) cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 g6 (The Dragon) 6.Be3 (The Yugoslavian Attack) Bg7 7.f3 Nc6 8.Qd2 0-0 9. Bc4 Bd7 10.0-0-0 Rb8!?
The Normal move in that position is Rc8 and to attack along c file.
But With Rb8 Black supports b5 and will after b5 play Ne5/Ne5 followed by Nxb3 or Nc4. AAnd after Bxc4 Black replies bxc4 and attack along the b-file!
Theory is developing very fast right now.
You who has had the time to read this might say:
"It´s Great!" and then you can post something or questions.
"It´s Suckz!" Then I would like you to challenge me to that position.
C Ya round!
But With Rb8 Black supports b5 and will after b5 play Ne5/Ne5 followed by Nxb3 or Nc4. AAnd after Bxc4 Black replies bxc4 and attack along the b-file!Could you please clarify this line to me, I understand the attac on b by the rock but what about Ne5/Ne5? and from there on nothing seems to make sense
As you can see the game ended, In move 1 I intentionaly gave Fixarn the oportunity to open his b file, Because I thought I could get out of the attack, but as you can see:
Game 2274786
I didn't.
Was it because of a bad defense or this is imposible after N*N(the first move)?
Any comments apreciated.
Originally posted by SupermanMan, you guys play some shabby chess! BaHaHAhAhA! I can't believe you really had the courage to post that list of bland, blunderous and not so thunderous set of moves. Don't quit your day job.
As you can see the game ended, In move 1 I intentionaly gave Fixarn the oportunity to open his b file, Because I thought I could get out of the attack, but as you can see:
Game 2274786
I didn't.
Was it because of a bad defense or this is imposible after N*N(the first move)?
Any comments apreciated.
Originally posted by powershakerWell I may Play shaby but I dont have 16 games in a row without a win.
Man, you guys play some shabby chess! BaHaHAhAhA! I can't believe you really had the courage to post that list of bland, blunderous and not so thunderous set of moves. Don't quit your day job.
Anybody can say that I made a bad move, or Played bad, That is exactly the reason for me posting my game, because I analyse my mistakes and try to learn from them. but if you just tell me "YOU ARE BAD" Then you are not helping.
I Apreciate analysis like the ones Aginis and other users here do, those are constructive even though they are telling you that you played bad.
Originally posted by kmac27Yes I think you are right at some point, you mean to bring my d1 rook to the g1 square: that would give some more space to scape to the king.
hey from white you should have brought over your rook to the g file and when black is attacking your b file bring down the knight to d1 to protect it. after that you could have formed a better pawn storm white.
then moving my knigth to the d1 square would cut space but would have avoided a so easy ... R*b2 move, and at the same time would have pined rook and queen.
the only thing is that i think I dont have the time to do all that, or do I.
Thanks for your sugestion and analysis.
No youre worng.
Nd1 does not work. The point behind blakc s play is to play c5-c4 wich is devestating.
The Qd3,Bd2 was an aproch I have not seen before. After Nxe4 it was all forced, exepct that you could have treid Qd3 after Bf5+ but after Qc5!! Defending aginst blcks attack is really hard...
Nxc6 is a bad move from Golubevs coments