Hi Fat Lady,
Too real, (that was hard work) it's much easier when wallowing up to my neck
in God awful blunders. Then I'm as happy as a pig in muck.
I've tracked down that other story, the one you found, about a cursed chess set.
It's on it's way from E-Bay.
What we want is a cursed Chess Site. One visit and it sucks grading points
out of your skin like a vampire.
Speaking of Chess Sites, I've joined (no sub yet) chessgames.com under the tag of Sally Simpson.
It did not take me long to rattle a few cages. 😉
(same old crap. Computers...this time I chose Houdini...are naff)
I'm supplying RHP examples of how 1400 RHP lads playing moves
and won whereas given the same position Houdini would have lost.
This kind of thing.
White played 9.Qh3 Black took the Rook and White mated Black with 10.Qc8.
No computer would play 9.Qh3 and yet, a then graded 1420 player, spotted the
shot and went for it.
A box would have played 9.Qf3 but being a piece and pawn down 9.Qh3 was
the best practical chance.
It is a skin cat position. 9.Qf3 or 9.Qh3 Either way the Queens are coming off.
The computer just can not understand that a human can make a blunder.
When it is looking at positions and sticking on it's 0.14+ number, how many
other very plausible human tricks and traps is it dismissing?
Quite a different breed across there. Some of them really hate Nakamura.
Infact hate is to tame a word. I see no reason why, he is a good chess player,
a very good chess player, not a murderer.