Loads in this one.
A picture of The Duck with a bust of Bobby Fischer.
A game inspired by a post from Wolfgang which leads onto
a common trap in the Sicilian with plenty of RHP victims.
The answers to the What Happened Next I posted in another thread.
A game that ends in checkmate after 14 moves with the Knights thus
Blog 4
Hi Wandering King.
Always good to talk Chess.
Anything is better than 8...dxe5.
8...d5 (8...Ng4 has some theory attached to it) should lead to a difficult
game for Black.
I would be inclined not to trade Queens after 9.exf6 dxc4 but play 10.Qf3.
White has easy development and can cook up things. Black is on the
back foot for a while.
But it will, as always and as in the game you posted, Leon Rosen vs Amos Burn,
swing towards the better (or luckiest) chess player on the day.
However I'd be very reluctant to say 8...d5 was the turning point especially
as the game went on for another 50+ moves.
White spurned a clear draw on move 37.
He could have played 37.Rxe8. ½-½.
Instead he played 37.Rg7 perhaps toying with the idea of getting
his Bishop covering f8 then playing Rxg6 and f7.
(when you see this wee moments in games it's always fun and perhaps
instructive trying to figure what was going on in the player's mind.
Here is the basic bones of the idea.)
White plays Rxg6 and f7 wins.
...but he only succeeded in getting his Rook stifled.
Black's King is too close for the Rxg6 trick. (so well spotted Amos Burn)
Black kept the Rook of the game long enough to roll up his c-pawn
and create some serious winning threats which materialised.
Here is a very good game from RHP with 8...d5. and the Queens swap.
Again it's not the critical losing move but it does have a plausible
and instrucitve follow up.
Yozzer - Beorn RHP 2005
Yozzer User 125517 was banned in 2005, apparently he was a FIDE referee.
Usually I stay away from banned players games (If I know that is the case)
but in this short tactical game I can see me or any half decent player
making those White moves after Black played e5.
It's basic roots Chess, I attack something, you defend it, I attack the
defender, you defend the defender, I attack the defender of the defender...
A game that would not look out of place on a demo board in front of juniors.