Originally posted by greenpawn34Blog 4
Plus an amazing defensive resource that has lay buried for 58 years.
An instructive Reinfeld game.
A Morphy/Murphy Coindence and a competition. (free entry).
Yes Ponderable, but did Philidor compose the music?
He is being credited with a load of stuff he did not do,
might as well throw that in as well.
I spent a while checking (pun intended) Checkers & Draughts sites.
I've seen the name Albert Belsaco a few times. (he wrote a book on Chess & Draights)
But no details as to who he was.
His first book was published about 20 years before the Reinfeld game
and it appears as a re-print in 1956 with the Reinfeld game.
'Morphy's Materpieces' clearly states Fred passed away in 1973
and yet everywhere else it is 1964.
Fred Reinfeld was a Time Traveller, he wrote under the name of Albert Belsaco
and composed music under the name of Philidor.
In 1964 he went forward to 1973 to write about the Fischer-Spassky match
but his 1964 body died and in the same instant so did he in 1973.
This double death phenomenon is the curse of time travellers and is
explained in 'The Doube Death Time Phenomenon' written by Albert Belsaco
in 2022. (though you can buy a 1948 reprint on ebay).
Well I'm glad we finally sorted that one out.
Originally posted by tomtom232cd? CD? I'm afraid for this one you get an 8 track.
I think I win the Chess Quest. The question simply asked "Who is Albert Belasco?" not "Whom is the Albert Belasco who wrote 'Chess and Draughts?'"
I want my CD now. 😛
Sorry about the warped frame, the redneck we got it off left it on the dash, you know how hot it gets in Texas.