[Event "August 2007 Duel V"] [Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"] [Date "2009.02.07"] [EndDate "2009.03.04"] [Round "5"] [White "hunterknox"] [Black "schakuhr"] [WhiteRating "1575"] [BlackRating "1918"] [WhiteELO "1575"] [BlackELO "1918"] [Result "0-1"] [GameId "5978251"] 1. e4 Nb8c6 2. Bf1c4 e5 3. Nb1c3 Ng8f6 4. Qd1e2 Nc6d4 5. Qe2d1 Bf8c5 6. Ng1f3 Nd4xf3 7. Qd1xf3 d6 8. h3 c6 9. a3 O-O 10. Nc3e2 d5 11. exd5 cxd5 12. Bc4b3 e4 13. Qf3f4 b6 14. O-O Bc8b7 15. Qf4h4 Rf8e8 16. Bb3a2 d4 17. b4 Bc5e7 18. Bc1b2 d3 19. cxd3 exd3 20. Ne2f4 Ra8c8 21. Bb2c3 Rc8xc3 22. dxc3 Nf6e4 23. Qh4h5 g6 24. Nf4xg6 Ne4xc3 25. Ba2xf7 Kg8xf7 26. Qh5xh7 Kf7f6 27. Ng6h4 Nc3e2 28. Kg1h1 Kf6e5 29. Rf1e1 Ke5d4 30. Nh4f3 Bb7xf3 31. gxf3 Qd8d5 32. Qh7g7 Kd4c4 33. Qg7g4 Kc4b3 34. Re1b1 Kb3c2 35. Qg4g2 Re8g8 0-1
I thought that if I flushed him out into the open with Bxf7 I'd have some decent mating chances. Turns out he could take a stroll, care free. Who knew?