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The Pearl of Pins + Ernie Returns

The Pearl of Pins + Ernie Returns

Only Chess


The Ducks in Thailand (cheers Mike) Need someone else to host The Duck.

Up to date RHP Ch stats. (only 3% of the games has ended in a draw.)

Great game by SG lifted from the forum then one better. ( 😉 )

Some happy RHP chappie who resigned in a won postion.

And by request the return of Endgame Ernie.

Blog 4

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One possible solution to the K + 2P vs K + P endgame:

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The above was only a partial solution; below, more detail:

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Hi Moonbus.

Thanks for helping out. You are right to warn about the stalemates lurking
in there you will be surprised how many Stalemates there have been because
one player was trying to keep both pawns.

Game 8967540
Game 8805835
Game 8448741
Game 8541840

Are just a very few.

In the second example you showed how to tempo Black out of the h-pawn but there is a quicker way to promote.

Here with White to play the simple 9.g7 wns

9.g7 f7 10 Kh7.

The idea I was wanting to get across is that you can sac the h-pawn.
Which will transpose to your game. And add in the mate, correctly done it's only a few moves.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
[b]Hi Moonbus.

... there is a quicker way to promote.

Here with White to play the simple 9.g7 Kf7, 10 Kh7.
Thanks for your comments. The P promotes sooner, as you say, but is the mate quicker if you let the opposing K get away from the edge? Our goal is checkmate, not the Q--a master of annotations taught me that.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
The Ducks in Thailand (cheers Mike) Need someone else to host The Duck.

Up to date RHP Ch stats. (only 3% of the games has ended in a draw.)

Great game by SG lifted from the forum then one better. ( 😉 )

Some happy RHP chappie who resigned in a won postion.

And by request the return of Endgame Ernie.

Blog 4
Bah, my game's more interesting...you didn't even let your guy have any fun. 😉

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
Bah, my game's more interesting...you didn't even let your guy have any fun. 😉
How SG can drop a rook and hold off four connected passers to win smacks of voodoo. If we should ever face off, I'm keeping bell, book, and candle at the board!

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Originally posted by moonbus
How SG can drop a rook and hold off four connected passers to win smacks of voodoo. If we should ever face off, I'm keeping bell, book, and candle at the board!
You should really consider becoming a subscriber moonbus. It is only 0.1 francs per day.

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Originally posted by Tygert
You should really consider becoming a subscriber moonbus. It is only 0.1 francs per day.
Have you not read the news? The NSA has direct access to RHP servers--they are dredging millions of chess games, searching for terrorist plots cleverly encrypted as innocuous-seeming chess games. No thanks; I'll keep my privates private and I'll keep my strict neutrality too (= we sell weapons to everyone and their bank accounts stay secret). </sarcasm>

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
Bah, my game's more interesting...you didn't even let your guy have any fun. 😉
I have the fun in my games, my opponents are there to suffer. 😉

Anyway he had the fun of seeing his name in print when the game
was published in the British Chess Magazine and they declared it a world record.

That backward pin breaking move with the Rook was good.
No surprise from me you found that one as it's problem like move.

Does it have a problem term like 'The Grimshaw' or 'The Indian Theme.'.


Just to show I can be the sadist as well, here's a more dominant win. (Wonder now that I look at it again if white had better than 28.Qf2, though...) White plays rather aimlessly and I punish it. From another online chess site.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
I have the fun in my games, my opponents are there to suffer. 😉

Anyway he had the fun of seeing his name in print when the game
was published in the British Chess Magazine and they declared it a world record.

That backward pin breaking move with the Rook was good.
No surprise from me you found that one as it's problem like move.

Does it have a problem term like 'The Grimshaw' or 'The Indian Theme.'.
I don't think my move has a theme name. It's a bit too simple to get one.

An Indian is a piece retreating on a line, then it gets masked and unmasked, as in

W. Shinkman, 1872

A Grimshaw is a mutual interference of black pieces.

A. Novotny 1855

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Swissgambit is a Chinese spy!

http://www.chess.com/members/view/Swiss_Gambit 😲

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Swissgambit is a Chinese spy!

http://www.chess.com/members/view/Swiss_Gambit 😲
Busted! 😉

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