In answer to a thread called:
System against the sicilian needed...
You can only sympathise witll the Sicilian player.
He plays 1...c5 and has no idea what is coming.
2 Nc3 closed
2.f4 Grand Prix
2.b4 Wing Gambit
2. g3 that crap
2.Bc4! The Hooray I'm not going to g2 variation.
2.d4 the Morra
2.c4 The Moroczy Bind
2.d3 Reversed English.
2.a4 The Scud (play it like a reversed Enlgish)
2.c3 The c3 Sicilian
2. Bd3 The Kopec System
2.Qh5 The Nak Attack
2.Ne2 Keres - idea to play 3 d4 and 4. Nxd4 but it always gains time on the clock.
And that is only on move two without even mentioning 2.Nf3.
And the bust is.....
2.Bb5 The Spiderman
I'll talk you through it bit by bit.
They won't be able to resist this.
Their dream is if 3.Ba4 then 3...b5 traps the Bishop.
3.Bc4 b5
4.Bxf7+ ...
This is what we proper chess players call a sacrifice.
5.Qh5+ g6
5...Kf6 or 5...Ke6 and Black is mated.
Incredibly in Game 4456453 dajackal - VadimGorovoy RHP 2008
Black played 5...Ke6 and dajackal missed 6.Qd5+ and 7.Qf5 mate.
The game dragged on for 63 moves ending in a white win.
6.Qd5+ ....
That is it the first part over with...Now does the White Queen get trapped on a8?
7.Qxa8 Qc7
Important move. Getting the Bishop out and you must keep the a1-h8 diagonal free.
8 .... Bb7
9.Bf4! ....
See the idea. The Black Queen is tied to defending the b7 Bishop.
A tactical theme that is exploited throughout the whole game.
10 Qa7 ....
Now if 10...Nc6 then 11. Qxc5 and the d-pawn is pinned.
and if then 11...e5 12.Qc3 and the e-pawn is pinned.
See now the importance of keeping a1-h8 diagonal clear.
(if 12...b4 then 13.Qb3+ saving the f4 Bishop)
Back to the game.
10 ...e5
11 Nc3 ....
Intending to answer 11...exf4 or 11.... Nc6 with the awkward 12 Nd5.
Black can see the Queen won't run away so plays...
12. Bxe5! ....
Two Bishop sacs. This what you do with Bishops.
Keep the two Knights though, don't sac them.
12... dxe5
13.Nf3 Nec6
The Queen is trapped. Big deal she has done her bit.
14 Nd5 Qc8
15 Ng5+ Kg8
16 Nf6+ Kg7
17 Ne8+ ...
If 17...Kg8 then Nf6+ A perpetual! with Knights!
Perpetual is a moral victory for White, he has sacced two Bishops
all he left with is Knights. And...
Every Russian schoolboy knows you cannot mate with two Knights.
Even British schoolboys know you cannot mate with two Knights.
Even the school janitor knows you cannot mate with two Knights.
Even the school cleaner with her mop and .... (enough....get on with it....Russ).
So the Black King goes on a runner.
18.Nf7+ Kh5
19.Nf6+ Kh4
20.h3 ....
Mate with g3 will be very expensive to stop. Very expensive. 1-0
Here is the full game.
Well reminded Lundy. 2 Qf3 The Nerd. Forgot about that one.
Another move two for the Sicilian player to worry about.
Hi Grenz.
Read the final note in the game. It was not my imagination but from
an actual game.
Oh Yes! here are still pioneer spirits out there instead of cave painters.
Martyrs to the game of chess who seek new things and new paths instead
of listening to crusty dustyy old men painting on cave walls.
"Now this is a Mammoth, stay away from it."
Until one day a pioneer killed a Mammoth and fed the tribe for a month.
Later that night he pee'd on the cave painters wall.
The cave painters are now extinct.
The pioneers circumnavigate the world and walked on the Moon.
(Try it in blitz, the mug will think 2.Bb5 is a mouse slip.)
Originally posted by greenpawn34Entertaining stuff! 🙂
[b]In answer to a thread called:
System against the sicilian needed...
You can only sympathise witll the Sicilian player.
He plays 1...c5 and has no idea what is coming.
2 Nc3 closed
2.f4 Grand Prix
2.b4 Wing Gambit
2. g3 that crap
2.Bc4! The Hooray I'm not going to g2 variation.
2.d4 the Morra
2.c4 The Moroczy Bind
2.d3 Reversed ...[text shortened]... ph from Canada sent me this game and it featured on a very Old Corner years ago.}[/pgn][/b]
I your main line what do you play against
9 Bf4 Qf4!?
10 Qb7 Qc1
11 Ke2 Qb2
12 Qb8!? Qa1 and white's queenside might just fall apart? (material equal now)
Originally posted by greenpawn34Secondly in the main line
[b]In answer to a thread called:
System against the sicilian needed...
You can only sympathise witll the Sicilian player.
He plays 1...c5 and has no idea what is coming.
2 Nc3 closed
2.f4 Grand Prix
2.b4 Wing Gambit
2. g3 that crap
2.Bc4! The Hooray I'm not going to g2 variation.
2.d4 the Morra
2.c4 The Moroczy Bind
2.d3 Reversed ...[text shortened]... ph from Canada sent me this game and it featured on a very Old Corner years ago.}[/pgn][/b]
11 Nc3 Nc6
12 Nd5 Qa5 and black is winning against both
13 Bd2 Qd2
14 Kd2 Na7
13. b4 Na7
14. ba ef
2.a3 is not a bad second move ive played this a handful of times....after-2...Nc6/e6/d6/g6 3.b4 or Bc4! Depending on what move you meet it does help to have some understanding of the wing and GPA(GrandPrixAttack)Which leaves 2...e5 3.f4!...2...d5 3.exd5 Qxd5 4.Nc3...2...Nf6 3.e5 Nd5 4.d4....There is a book out on this line written by GM Alexei Bezgodov but ive yet to see it and no idea where you would get it from.
HI PR & Albo
Good grief there are loads of 2nd move shots v the Sicilian.
You can only feel sorry the chump who has spent £14.95 on a Najdorf book
to memorises the moves he is never going to see again.
Of course 2.a3 (A mate of mine Nigel Chapman will go mad if he knows I forgotten this move).
He plays it with the idea of b2-b4 a kind of delayed 'Wing Gambit' I called
it the Mini-Scud. He has a tremdous score with it in league chess.
You can get a copy of the 2.a3 book from GM Alexei Bezgodov himself.
He runs the fish and chip shop just off the Old Kent Road next to the
brothel owned by Frankie Lee and Judas Priest....I think.
2.Na3 building up tension by blocking the Scud pawn. I like it!
"At that big house as bright as any sun
With four and twenty windows
And a woman's face in ev'ry one."
I like this verse.
"So when you see your neighbor carryin' somethin'
Help him with his load
And don't go mistaking Paradise
For that home across the road. "
'carryin' somethin' is the weight of worries a player have v any opening.
'Paradise' is that crud Bg2 line v the Sicilian 😉
"Well, the moral of the story
The moral of the song
Is simply that one should never be
Where ones does not belong"
and that Bishop does not belong on g2. 🙂