Originally posted by IceKingCourtesy of Wiki:
So i am currently playing a game and was told that what is going to happen to me now is called a "wind mill" in chess slang...what da hell does that mean? Anybody care to elaborate?
a combination in which two pieces work together to deliver an alternating series of checks and discovered checks in such a way that the opposing king is required to move on each turn. It is a potent technique since on every other move, the discovered check may allow the non-checking piece to capture an enemy piece without losing a tempo. The most famous example is Torre–Lasker, Moscow 1925. Also called a see-saw.
Originally posted by IceKingThe years of chess playing I have done might be equal to your age.
Live and learn?? Ur rating is worse than mine...i probably know what it is but dont know the "Lingo" so next time post something usefull??
BTW 1453>1341. 🙄
p.s. Next time you can type the keywords (windmill, chess) into google to get your answer quicker.
In case you cannot do that, I already did it for you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windmill_(chess)
Originally posted by IceKingI was polite sire, I just do not get your unnecessay reaction about the ratings and all that.
Thx everyone for helping me and I now see why he sed that in the game. I did know what that means just not what it was called. And as for kenan...why culdnt u just be polite like all the other RHP players...??
I am not going to apologize because you did not understand what I wrote.