Originally posted by greenpawn34And another venerable hobby goes to the dogs. 😛
We did it!!
(you lot know I'm joking about nicking the library book.)
(Sorry, if I hadn't said it, someone else would have.)
P.S. At least my rating is higher than Ralph's (but not by much). 😞
Originally posted by greenpawn34Just as a note - In the M.Horace - Z.Hoffmann game a6 does not lose the queen as it did in the Bloodworthy game does it? - Black can play Qxc6. Still down a piece though. Or am I in need of more coffee...
We did it!!
(you lot know I'm joking about nicking the library book.)
Nice one with Mr Barker though - pleasant looking pup too.
Edit - I snorted my coffee when I saw the chess scarf tie too. Good grief...