A new cover for ‘Test Tube Chess’ that I reviewed last blog.
And then a study like double blunder.
Daanv - svincent RHP 2018 (Black to play)
A draw but Black played 1...Kd6 that should have lost. White missed the win.
Then a selection of RHP games featuring ‘Pause Before Promoting.’
Finally Trap Of The Year. (in this case the year being 2006)
AG Hammer - seoiv RHP 2006
You are White here. It looks pretty grim, what would you do?
You have to play the silliest/craftiest looking move on the board.
Blog Post 549
Hi Ponderable,
That is an easy one to explain. When I drop a puzzle on your lap you know that
there is something there. During a game you never get that tap on the shoulder.
Experience gained solving these things helps you recognise patterns during play.
But one or two a week is not enough. Do middle game puzzles as often as you can.
Openings are memory, endgames are technique, it's the middle game where games are decided.