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Those slow, boring 1. d4 games...

Those slow, boring 1. d4 games...

Only Chess

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Game 5002559

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Very boring indeed

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...Ke7 has to be the worst move I've ever seen.

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Originally posted by !~TONY~!
...Ke7 has to be the worst move I've ever seen.
Yeah.. But Qh5, Bg5 and Nf4 were sexy. I liked Qh5!? a lot. It seemed very provocative...

And exf4 wasn't too famous too...

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Originally posted by !~TONY~!
...Ke7 has to be the worst move I've ever seen.
I've seen worse. Who am I kidding...I've played worse. 🙁

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Originally posted by Maxwell Smart
Who am I kidding...I've played worse. 🙁
Well I've played worse too... But I was too embarressed to admit it... 😳

One thing though is that I can't think of a single reason for Ke7. 😕

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Yeah, the 2nd graders I teach know that moving the king should be the last option to take when dealing with a check. 😀

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Originally posted by !~TONY~!
Yeah, the 2nd graders I teach know that moving the king should be the last option to take when dealing with a check. 😀
with the possible exception of variations in the king's gambit.

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Originally posted by adam warlock
Well I've played worse too... But I was too embarressed to admit it... 😳

One thing though is that I can't think of a single reason for Ke7. 😕
I don't think you have played worse. Most blunders at least have some idea behind them, a misjudgement of the position. that ...Ke7 has not one single logical idea (even a wrong one) behind it.

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Originally posted by adam warlock
Yeah.. But Qh5, Bg5 and Nf4 were sexy. I liked Qh5!? a lot. It seemed very provocative...

And exf4 wasn't too famous too...
what happened if 11.. g6 instead of exf4 ? It seems a good move.

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Originally posted by solar01
what happened if 11.. g6 instead of exf4 ? It seems a good move.
Then 12 . Qh4 doubling up on the knight on f6 and black's game just crumbles. But at this point black is already lost even though I'm two pawns down: My pieces are all over the place and black's one are either at home or aren't doing much. So I have the d5 square screaming for a knight, I have Nxe6 to draw thr king even more to the center, I have my rook on the d-file,... it's just too much for black to handle.

One thing I think black has to do in this position is to give the king some breathing space. At this point he has no safe square to go so any check could be very dangerous. So I think 11. ... Nc6 is the move to be played (in fact it is to be played even sooner)

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Slow but not so boring: Game 4720736

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Originally posted by diskamyl
I don't think you have played worse. Most blunders at least have some idea behind them, a misjudgement of the position. that ...Ke7 has not one single logical idea (even a wrong one) behind it.
IMO, there is only one reason to play a move like Ke7 (or similar bad move)... for confusion factor during a 1 minute bullet game... but alas this is correspondence chess!

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Originally posted by schakuhr
Slow but not so boring: Game 4720736
Not boring indeed!

And black can lash out too if white doesn't play carefully. Game 4379210

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Originally posted by schakuhr
Slow but not so boring: Game 4720736
That was a great game!

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