See the Game 4019774. It was ended with three separate blunders in two consecutive half moves.
In the end of the game I was up one knight but down three pawns. But he had a mortal attack on me of which I hadn’t any defence.
I moved 23b Nc6- e7 in a desperate attempt to threat his queen at f5. In my later analysis I found that he had a mate in two by 24w Qf5-f7+ with mate in the next move. However he tried 24w Qf5-e6+ instead.
The first blunder he made was to not identify the quick mate. The second blunder he made was that he didn’t see that he put his queen en prise for my knight at f8 to take.
My mortal blunder in my turn was that I didn’t see that the queen taking move either. I moved my king to h8 instead and resigned in the next move. I could have won this game, but I just see myself losing anyway so I didn’t even look for any salvage move.
"The one doing the last blunder is the one losing the game."
Is this the game of blunders of the year?
Originally posted by vipiuI (and probably murb too) feel honored by being compared with Kramnik.
it is decent still, I saw Kramnik doing worse 😉
I had a similar move not long time ago, where I put my lady en prise by my opponents horsie. I checked his royal and he moved it. I fled from the square in the next move. I don't know if he saw it at all. (That game is in progress so even if you find it, please, don't comment it.)
Originally posted by FabianFnasHere's the game: Game 4019760 We finished it a couple of hours ago. And here's what happened, a double blunder:
When the game is over, I will.
It's nothing much to see, really. It's just a blunder done but not seen.
I made the 30th move I forked his king and rook which gave me a material superiority: One rook and two pawns up against two nights down, I felt confortable.
Perhaps that made me move my queen to b2 in my 32nd move, checking his king, and as I half a second later realized put my lady en prise of his horsey. This was a blunder #1.
His respond surprised me quite a lot: He moved his majesty into the corner thus saving him and let my masterpiece alone. This was the blunder #2.
I was later lucky to win the game, but that is another story. A very interesting game, I might add.