Originally posted by Oddjob291Try the Cochrane Gambit. It certainly makes things interesting. Very interesting.
What would you lot recommend after
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 (Petroff Defence) 3. Nc3 Bb4
Would 4. a3 then if ...Bxc3 5. dxc3 be better
OR alternatively 4. d3 Bxc3 5. bxc3 be much better.
Any suggestions/opinions/games/links would be much appreciated?
P.S. sick of facing the 'boring' Petroff
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Nxe5 and here the splits begin:
A) 4...Qe7 5.Nd3 Bxc3 6.dxc3 Qxe4+ Be2! [ And this is all I am showing in this line... CTFD! That is: Check The Fu$%#$ing Database]
B) 4...0-0 5.Be2 Re8 6.Nd3 Bxc3 7.dxc3 Nxe4 6.Nf4 and that's all I am showing...
The line is basic and requires you to prevent Black from executing the d5 break. A typical pawn structure on the queen side would look like c4 b3 c2 a2 with a bishop at b2...
Games to study?
Bastian-Roder, 1985 is typical...
Svidler-Delanoy, 1990
Rhurig-Grunberg, 1984
Alapin-Alekhine, 1911 [Anotate it with a computer...]