Logged on, made a few moves saw a skull, took it then suddenly
realised the current emergency. Looked at opponent's record
and see no move for 9 days and has been losing by time outs.
Can only assume the worst, we have another game on the go which
is about to time out. I am just going to resign it. I really hope the lad
is in total isolation or a health worker with no time for chess.
Don't beat yourself up about it - it's only a game.
It was very decent to resign the other one.
Stay safe yourself GP
@greenpawn34 saidThat is very classy and considerate of you greenpawn, you are truly a scholar and a gentleman! Kudos to you!
Logged on, made a few moves saw a skull, took it then suddenly
realised the current emergency. Looked at opponent's record
and see no move for 9 days and has been losing by time outs.
Can only assume the worst, we have another game on the go which
is about to time out. I am just going to resign it. I really hope the lad
is in total isolation or a health worker with no time for chess.
Hopefully one day soon the world will no longer be laboring under the scary and melancholy miasma that this scourge has produced, though we will all be in a weird "new normal" for years to come.