I've been surfing around the site a little bit and I seem to run into a ton of options. Some of the options I don't fully understand yet. I'm wondering if their is any place better or worse to get started on this site for an amateur. I notice there are a ton of clubs on the site... How do you get invited?
Please forgive the new guy hand-holding cliche.
USN Rckt Sci,
Definitely get to know the site and the mechanics of how playing chess works on here. Personally, I like the site because we can study and learn while we are playing chess. We have the time to learn openings instead of just on-the-spot playing of moves. Yahoo.com is nice for short time games say 1 minute to 30 minutes on each side which can include the adding of time per move.
On here you can play a 1 day per move game with a 0 day timebank or you can play a 21 day per move game with a 28 day timebank. I guess, one of my games took over a year to play. There are chances for personal learning on here as well with users like greenpawn34 who blogs or Ragwort who annotates a game. Furthermore you get to read books, look at databases, check out statistical data of moves, watch videos, and do whatever non-cheating else causes learning. We are "Not" supposed to use a computer to help us.
I do like this site. May you have success on here.