Hi Nimzo.
Nobody in mind. Just everybody and all body.
The pattern seems set in stone.
Travelling away to play in a chess tournament is a great experience.
Some of these guys make it sound like it was work.
And the excuses....
We only want tp know two things.
Did he win any money, did he get laid.
Just letting off steam (I've not started yet, with till I get onto
opening books, computers, women chess players, draws,
haircuts, gradings, players whose names I cannot spell....)
Originally posted by greenpawn34The late US National Master Jerry Hanken fits this description somewhat, joking aside. He never failed to put one of his losses in his reports in Chess Life, almost always to a GM or IM, even after his best days were behind him and he was sitting on his 2200 floor.
He did write very well, but I always knew one of his games would appear as I read.
His post moretm of the British was hillarious. My favorite-
Michael Adams (9.5/11) -
Ruthlessly exposed the gulf in class between 2700+ and 2500. Managed to mesmerise opponents into positional and occasional tactical errors. Made the game look ridiculously simple based on sound openings and accurate play. Challenging for the record of king being in check fewest times during a tournament. Deserved winner but greater challenges lie ahead and much stiffer task defending the title in Sheffield next year but on current form would have to start as favourite.
Originally posted by greenpawn34Dunno about magazines, but something similar is certainly true of the weekly chess column in a newspaper I used to read. When there was a world champion contest on, or the Hoogovens (forget about Linares &al.), he used to post about that; any other week was mostly stuffed with dreary reports of the national youth team this bloke used to manage. Don't ask me how he got either of those jobs; as educational material, that column was worse than worthless.