I love it! Check this out!
Just out of curiosities sake... is it in theory a good idea in CC?
Game 3443294
I've decided to try the Traxler against the Fried Liver Attack.
Black can play 7...Bb6 the idea being ...Qc5, ...d6, ...Ng4 etc
White must be very careful - there are lots of threats here, but it certainly isn't for everyone. As black you must be prepared to write-off Rh8 & really forget about taking-back the knight too soon & just go for the kill.
Wonderfully unsound, fun stuff - I've been on the receiving end as white & it's very uncomfortable to be counter attacked whilst playing one of the most attacking openings...
Better suited to OTB play as a DB probably busts the attack wide open but what the hell!
When I first started playing the Traxler, about twenty years, I was amazed to discover than almost all the theory had been developed in correspondence games. Until then I'd assumed that gambits wouldn't be very common in correspondence chess because the defender would have ample time to work out a good defense, but it turns out that sacrificing material for sustained pressure is quite common
The only thing I don't like about the traxler is the fact that if white wants to draw he can force black to accept it by going for the 5Nxf7 this move I believe gives up all whites chances to a win with accurate play from black however if he knows the theory he can get a short draw quite easily.
Originally posted by ih8sensThat does indeed look pretty spectacular, but white played into the whole thing.
I love it! Check this out!
Just out of curiosities sake... is it in theory a good idea in CC?
Game 3443294
Game 2356516
My only game here with the traxler as black, I only had to think for 3 moves because the rest was book but I think it's quite nice.
Originally posted by SquelchbelchHow about 7 d3?
I've decided to try the Traxler against the Fried Liver Attack.
[fen]r1b1k2N/ppppq1pp/2n2n2/4p3/2B1P3/8/PPPP1bPP/RNBQ1K1R b q - 0 7[/fen]
Black can play 7...Bb6 the idea being ...Qc5, ...d6, ...Ng4 etc
White must be very careful - there are lots of thre ...[text shortened]... ..
Better suited to OTB play as a DB probably busts the attack wide open but what the hell!
What if 5. Bxf7+ ?
Here is an article that evaluates 5. d4, which the author says is "a move often ignored, but at least as good as 5.Bxf7. Both moves yield White an extra pawn and leave Black's king stranded in the centre (e7), but 5.d4 also results in an open d-file." The analysis is worth checking as the author concludes the line by stating that "white has a solid extra pawn."