Any Trompowsky fans out there? I'm just looking at this opening, and it looks pretty interesting. I have never played against it, either on RHP or in blitz, but it doesn't look bad. Quite a few younger players have taken a stab at it: Carlsen, Nakamura, etc. It might be a good surprise weapon otb. Does anyone have a book or database on this opening he might recommend? Any input appreciated.
I did a search and came across an interesting game where white wins in 12 moves using the Trompowsky.
Orseth - Tieman 1-0 1990
1. d4 Nf6
2. Bg5 Ne4
3. Bf4 c5
4. f3 g5
5. fxe4 gxf4
6. e3 Qb6
7. Nc3 Qxb2
8. Nd5 Kd8
9. Rb1 Qxa2
10. Ra1 Qb2
11. Bc4 e6
12. Ra2
It does seem like Tiemann was not used to this opening, hence getting caught in that trap with the Queen. The opening does seem to lead to some unusual games.
On Jeremy Silman's website, there is a review of a book that is dedicated to the Trompowsky: